US Legal Gambling Age How Old Should You Be to Gamble in

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Why is lowering the legal age to drink and gamble in the USA an issue that doesn't seem to be discussed much?

I often see posts or campaigns about legalising marijuana or potentially all drugs but I still find it strange that the drinking and gambling age in the USA is 21 where it is usually 18 in other western countries. Does it bother a lot of Americans and have any chance of being lowered in the near future?
submitted by luke-uk to PoliticalDiscussion [link] [comments]

The Break Up of Alex & Sofia: A Psychoanalysis

got asked to make this it’s own post, so i did. For reference, keep in mind I’m 28F (so split between them age wise) and was an athlete in undergrad though not in a sport anyone cared about cause who tf cares about track
Friendship break ups are really hard, especially for women in their 20’s.
For women, that time period is usually the first times they’re actually enabled to make our own decisions, including through sexual empowerment. Freedom from your parents. Your female friendships are often therapeutic in this setting, as they’re the first people who really “understand” you. ESPECIALLY if you’re at a school with casual hook up culture, female friendships can especially protect you from being drugged while you navigate the novelty of casual sex under various substance influence.
At least from the outside perspective, this is how it seems: disclaimer this is psychoanalytical af no I don’t think I’m “definitely” right
However, sports psychology is poor. Sports psychology for women even more so.
Female sports don’t command money (in part because we engrain that in our culture)
For a female athlete in college, you’re raised on a pedestal by other collegiate members (“narps”)
Then, you leave college and are pretty much on a level playing field, because that national prestige or ability to remain an athlete and be profitable isnt as realistic or available for women (yet?/it probably shouldn’t be a huge goal to play a game for a living just saying. The other work environments and hours shouldn’t be so shitty that’s the only version of happiness you can imagine but i digress)
Alex happened to leave college and be an athlete’s girlfriend. An athlete within baseball, whose wives’ club mentality is one of the most misogynistic (my brother went back to back to back national championship games in baseball in college. The fan base is incredibly white as it relates to America’s pastime and racism). I’ve posted before about the overlaps in barstools culture with this.
Alex had fuel coming in from needing to be better than her ex. She has fuel in general, as most athletes do, from needing to be better than XYZ. Track is actually helpful in that regard because it’s always racing against yourself, ultimately. Your own PRs. But for soccer, what happens when you no longer have a field to play on? Who are your new opponents? Where is your team?
Sofia and Alex’s friendship came at the cusp of their combined lowest mental points. On a time when they were essentially on their own. They had had to be solo and strong because of their circumstances, mentally and fiscally to an extent (even if they ultimately had parental support or pressure to fall back on). In the process of building CHD, they built each other up, and used their tragedies and lack of caring about other’s mentalities to show it was profitable, smart, and powerful to be a sexually empowered female in a male world.
That’s what so many of us wanted. (Literally the Tyra Banks meme “we were all rooting for you!” Comes to mind) especially for collegiate aged women, sexual empowerment and discussion is NEW and still very culturally based. Women can be sexual but only privately versus men can discuss sexual conquests openly and aren’t thought poorly of if it doesn’t work out with a partner. You don’t assume something is “wrong” with them. You don’t remind them “their clock is ticking”. Hypersexuality is part response to purity culture and likely a response to a heavy atmosphere of sexual trauma and being casual towards it is destigmatizing it inwardly.
But money corrupts.
Power corrupts more so.
Combine both with Alex internalizing that the brand that gave her so much power and happiness and joy to work, during a dark period of her life, as a tangible result of how she was better (than her exes, everyone that’s wronged her, etc) as potentially being taken away from her by sofia (in the deal on the rooftop), versus by Dave (who was very manipulative in his “I keep 100% of the IP and all of your stories and all of YOUR content”) and this is where the break down in how they responded comes in:
Can we blame her? Isnt that a facet of current sporting culture? Do you actually expect someone who has grown up in the wings of the public eye, whose parental role models were in sporting culture, to not embrace that spotlight? Particularly when her ex who caused her pain has that spotlight and is somebody’s version of a sex symbol? Why can’t she want it for herself?
Alex ALSO has mental health issues, and the combination of living and working with someone else struggling with something so heavy and not having a medically appropriate background to know how to help was likely incredibly toxic for their friendship.
I’m sure it made some great content, but it was clear they didn’t embody or encourage healthy behavior.
Their own healing is going to be subjective. It’s not going to coincide. It’s not going to operate on the same scales or in the same direction and they’ll need different things. Such as separation when one person no longer serves you.
My therapist reminded me “just because someone was a good friend to you at one point in your life doesn’t mean they still are”
To her, it’s the same thing. Especially if she had frequent ghost writers. It was never her content to begin with. Which, ultimately, makes her just a sex symbol for a male dominated gaze who may very well be financially compensated adequately (NOW) but is ultimately manipulated for the entertainment of others. If that’s your whole life, and what you’ve always done... who are you?
Like with child stars or actors in general, you feed off energy i imagine. Extroverted people are almost more vulnerable to social coercion than others. To me, this enables them to be more susceptible to thriving off external validation and avoid the reality of who they are and that they don’t like themselves internally/struggle with who they are as a person (or just don’t know who they are without XYZ existing. If you’ve always been in sports, especially one single sport, your identity is tied to that. You don’t have the time or energy to question who you are. It takes years after graduating or being removed from that atmosphere to do so.) Alex now has money, time, and comes from rich white privilege. She likely will never have people who tell her it’s okay to struggle, because it seems like her family and general friend group is the “everything is fine. Here’s some money. Look! You can travel. You turned out okay”
I’m sure she’ll have a time period later in life where she has this recognition.
However, the CHD brand was built around the symbolism of a female friendship.
Of female empowerment in a patriarchal world.
The sexual empowerment worked because, at the end of the day, you had this community of people who understood you were just trying to figure out yourself and willing to laugh with you at your negativity. Not laughing at you. A community of people who were able to embrace, applaud, and financially reward you for sexual prowess when you’ve been told to dim it your entire life “to be taken seriously”. A community who LIKED the self deprecation because it was RELATABLE because we likely ALL have or know someone with sexual trauma related to drinking/college culture and dating is hard and flaunted like you’re always supposed to be in a relationship, especially if you’re attractive 🙄
Abiding to the influencer brand of how CHD has gone since “the break up” and how Alex has people like Tana—who exploit their childhood abuse, not so they can learn how to be healthier and live happier lifestyles or draw attention to substance abuse, but so they can continue to party in LA with idiotic “celebs” whose only contribution to the community positively is through money. Who go riot malls for YouTube material. Who are stuck in their own cycles of abuse and unhealthy behavior but vlog about the glamour and think “talking about it” is the same thing as “healing” because they won’t go to actual therapy even though they can afford it now. Who don’t realize they’re desensitizing themselves to the trauma by letting random men they barely know choke them out versus addressing how fucked up it was that they were raped as a child, or that their parents couldn’t protect them, or that they needed validation or father figures and only got it from their peers and just wanted an escape from reality and now need one ALL THE TIME. Who dont realize those people they think embrace them won’t embrace them when they’re sober and actually healthy, because it reminds them of how they’re not. But it’s scary to recognize that and you internalize it as not being loveable versus being brought up in unhealthy environments and not knowing better.
Maybe with time, Alex will look back and realize the strength of female friendships lies in being there for each other in darkest times because humanity definitely doesn’t have your back.
In the USA, 1 in 5 women are or will be attempted to be raped in their lifetime, over 80% have been sexually harassed.
And yet, prostitution is not legal. Birth control is not freely accessible. Universal healthcare and comprehensive sexual education is not nationally mandated so a lot of people may never realize just how fucked up their circumstances are. Education is often unaffordable and inaccessible for those who most need it. Sexual harassment is so normalized that we voted in a president despite him being a rapist pedophile. And 55% of white women tried to vote him in again. The visual leader of the Barstool brand endorsed him openly.
Sofia wanting to distance herself from a brand and drinking culture, at a company currently breaking into alcohol and gambling exploitation, on the basis that the majority of their fan base may not have done it otherwise, but will because they now have access to it (like with how Juuls target teenagers with flavoring and people who wouldn’t have normally smoked have nicotine addictions now) as well as FINALLY being paid adequately, YET was labeled as “greedy” mainly because Alex stayed instead of trusting Sofia and sticking with her.
We normalize competition in the sense that most people are competing for just the right to live, for acknowledgment that the things they went through matters. It’s why working classes are currently pitted against each other and conservative Republicans think progressive policies are sure to doom the USA because Fox News says so. So instead of making our citizens stronger overall, we keep half of them convinced that healthcare should be debated, an educated population isnt good on a global scale, and that change ISNT possible even though societies are supposed to adapt that’s literally how progress works. We have research that shows us why we should do it and instead capitalism made education so elite that we distrust intelligence or condemn it as “liberal education”.
So do I blame Alex for her inability to recognize that when she thought she was going to lose the brand that made that feasible for her? Maybe not.
Do I think Sofia got fucked mentally, friendship-wise, and culturally and Alex enabled and fed into it? Absolutely.
Even if CHD was always the “Mean Girls” mentality and didn’t ever really offer advice, Alex embodied “Regina George” and Sofia was “Cady Heron” in its time.
Good female friendships are awesome, and hard to come by in a world that makes it so and makes you convinced you have to somehow compete for these men when the bar is on the actual ground for chivalry and women just want men who won’t scream or yell at them, will communicate, and will explore sexually in the bedroom without stigmatizing them or making them feel bad for their bodies.
Shout out to anyone who read my dissertation.
I’ve been in quarantine on a farm working remote contracts for almost a year now. I’ve also watched a lot of LOTR in the past week and barstool and Dave is going a very “Sauron” way and Alex embodies “saruman” vibes to me, for another allusion.
submitted by survivalmodez to CallHerDaddy [link] [comments]

Bragg Gaming $BRAG.TO/$BRGGF (My DD inside) A guide to corruption/privilege in the Government

As mentioned in my 'market closing' post, I came across the Bragg Gaming Company at the day's end. I think this is the next big play in the space and has so far been slept on. (Full disclosure, I am in for $1k at the end of the day today, looking to add more tomorrow)
Why you ask? Because let me paint the following picture for you.
Allow me to introduce you to some folks
Mike Harris was the premier of Ontario back in the day (our State Governor). He was the one who changed legislation to allow for private long term care (LTC) old age homes instead of just public ones like hospitals. You know, the same LTCs now shitting the bed now during corona. Guess who sits on the board of Chartwell ($CSH) making bank $ presently? Chartwell btw is the largest private LTC provider. Proof here:
Lets continue. Meet Bill Blair. Ol' Bill was at one time, the chief of Toronto Police. Then he became chief of the OPP (our 'State' Police). Then he became a Member of Parliament. THEN he was chosen as THE point man by our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to create the entire legal framework for weed. Literally the single point man. This for the man who literally presided over ppl getting pot convictions while he served as Toronto Police Chief and OPP Police Chief. Guess who resigned that position a year later then created their own pot stock that listed on the stock market (despite the fact that he was against weed legalization when he was the chief). I am not making this stuff up. You guessed it, Bill cashed in with $AH.TO (you might have heard of it, Aleafia) Proof here: This is literally a huge conflict of interest and to date I have no idea how this was allowed. Anyways, noticing a pattern here? The big boys always win.
Now I present Mr. Paul Godfrey. Legendary Torontonian and the reason I blindly jumped on the stock at market close. He just joined the board of directors
He is an Order of Canada Recipient and has served as a politician, President of Toronto Sun Newspaper, President of the Toronto Blue Jays, President of Postmedia Network, and most importantly served as chair of the OLG (Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation) If you don't realize what this is, the OLG is the legislative body responsible for all gaming/gambling in the entire province of Ontario.
Now on to Bragg. Bragg graduated to the Toronto Stock Exchange just this past month in January 2021 (which is by chance one month before the C13 vote) They are not on a smaller exchange and have already proven they are a different caliber stock by being accepted on the Toronto exchange just like SCR. For those that don't know, its harder to be on the main Toronto Stock Exchange rather than the CSE for example because there are many more rules and requirements for TSE companies. In turn, they get to remain on the Toronto Stock exchange and enjoy the reputability of being listed on the TSE. Same thing in USA with OTC vs. NYSE or NASDAQ. Bragg is already listed on OTC under BRGGF and they are actively looking to list on the NASDAQ which may go through by March 2021. They seem to be very busy and the CEO notes $67 million projected revenue expected for 2020 ALREADY
The current marketcap is 285 million CAD$. For comparison, SCR's current marketcap is 2.24 Billion. I expect this one to run in the coming weeks, especially if the upgrade to NASDAQ occurs in March 2021. What are your thoughts? Anyone have any previous position or insight into this play or others?
They only opened the market on January 29, 2021 - 10 days ago
Edit * *This next part has nothing really to do with the above and its slightly different but I wanted to include it because it really highlights how much smaller the group of shakers are at the top then they let on. Extra person I'd like to introduce ya to is Kyle Kemper, Justin Trudeau's lesser known brother (they share they same mother). Mr. Kemper was up until recently, as far as I know the Executive Director of the Blockchain Association of Canada (how random is that lol) The gvmt to my knowledge has even used him as a consultant on finance projects and paid him to speak I'm willing to bet you have heard of his other 2 brothers, first time hearing about him? Anyways, just some fire for the conspiracy theorists out there lol! Feel free to add more stories of these kind of examples below for the Lols and that others might learn!
Second Edit** Even more irrelevant, isn't it interesting that the people above come from across both sides of the political aisle. One thing that brings us together? Seems to be the $$$$$ baby
submitted by BreadTit to gamblingstocks [link] [comments]

Black Nobility and the Vatican.

The black nobility is the base of the global crime syndicate that controls this planet. The black nobility or black aristocracy are the aristocratic families that sided with the papacy under Pope Pius IX after the army of the Kingdom of Italy led by the Savoy family entered Rome on September 20, 1870, overthrew the pope . and the Papal States, and took over the Quirinal Palace, and the nobles later ennobled by the Pope prior to the Lateran Treaty of 1929. Any family that produced popes for the Vatican is royalty. Most of the black nobility are Vatican royalty. The black nobility consider themselves sovereign princes. These families earned the title of "black" nobility for their relentless unscrupulousness. They used murder, rape, kidnapping, robbery and all kinds of deception on a large scale, without resisting the achievement of their objectives. The black nobility were the families that financed and created the holy corporation of the Vatican with the aim of imposing world slavery as a necessary institution, with the sole belief that some are born to rule and others to be ruled. The idea that certain families were born to rule as an arbitrary elite, while the vast majority of a given population is condemned to oppression, servitude, or slavery became the theological position of this elite. The "New World Order" is an attempt to take control of society by these fascist families with the purpose of the total slavery of humanity.
The Vatican is an imperial nation and is the largest empire in this world. The Vatican City, or the Holy Vatican Corporation, officially the Vatican City State, is a nation that operates as the largest intelligence network in the world. The Holy See is the "All-Seeing Eye" in society and a corporate entity connected to many other corporations and governments through papal and royal statutes. Archbishops and high-level bishops are the overseers of society within their districts and oversee politics, police, business, and organized crime. The same year that the professor of ecclesiastical law and practical philosophy at the University of Ingolstadt, Adam Weishaupt, created the Order of the Illuminati, was the same year that they created the United States as a corporation to run it as their private army and lead I dig the agenda of a "New World Order" for the elites, mainly, thanks to the infiltrated Freemasonry and directed by the Jesuits.
The New World Order is a conspiracy of lineage at the top. They are ancient and evil bloodlines that build and destroy empires for control through an order out of chaos. Royal and noble houses are corporate entities and claim to rule and own land, resources, and people. Landlords have always been the dominant owners of gold and precious metals. They empower and finance bankers and entrepreneurs to work for them through their corporate homes. They authorize and issue the creation of laws, agencies, the military, companies, and universities. They create and run religions and secret societies. They also finance and organize organized crime syndicates as if they were commercial enterprises. Some of the major royal bloodlines include Savoy, Bourbon, Medici, Glücksburg, Wittelsbach, Nassau-Weilberg, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Romanov, Grimaldi, Orleans, Braganza, Habsburg, Hannover, Windsor, Saud, Thani, Khalifa, Alouwite , Zogu, Hohenzollern, Orange-Nassau, Bonaparte and Bernadotte. Many royal bloodlines still rule their nations as heads of state such as the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Monaco, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco, Sweden, Norway, and Luxembourg. The Vatican City State is also a kingdom with the Pope of Rome as its monarch. The Black Nobility are the ancient bloodlines of the Papal States and they own the Holy See and the Vatican. They produced the first popes of Rome and held leadership positions in the Vatican from its inception. The Colonna and Torlonia still hold the hereditary positions of the Assistant Princes to the Papal Throne. The black nobility consider themselves sovereign princes. The Vatican is used as a central point of control and the Holy See is one of the oldest and most criminal corporate entities in existence. The Spanish Catholic Church is immensely rich, it has not suffered the crisis and also enjoys a true tax haven, being free to pay taxes, such as the IBI, works, companies, etc. The vast majority of the assets in their possession and on their accounts are completely opaque. This situation is illegitimate, unfair and presumably illegal, and this occurs with the complicity and consent of the public powers.
The Erlach and Brandi families are Swiss tax advisers who enable corruption, bribery, criminal financing, and money laundering. The Swiss Guard is the one that protects the Vatican City State. The Swiss cantons have been in contract with the Vatican for centuries and Switzerland is basically a papal state with the noble Roman saints claiming partial ownership. The German house of Baden-Zahringen founded Bern, in Switzerland. The House of Savoy ruled the regions of Switzerland for hundreds of years. Some of the most important bloodlines of the Black Nobility are: Massimo, Colonna, Pallavicini, Odescalchi, Ruspoli, Orsini, Aldobrandini, Sforza-Cesarini, Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Chigi-Albani-Della Rovere, Doria-Pamphilj, Rospigliosi, Giustiniani , Torlonia, Corsini, Borghese, Del Drago, Lucchesi-Palli, and Gaetani. The Pecci and Pacelli families are more recent bloodlines of the Black Nobility. The black nobility share ownership over the Holy See, which is a corporate entity based in the Vatican City State that was established as a nation in 1929 under Benito Mussolini, who was put in power by the House of Savoy. The Mussolini and Franco families became nobles after their fascist regimes. The Black Nobility also owns the Knights of Malta, the Jesuits, and the Cosa Nostra. The Black Nobility established branches in southern Italy and married Sicilian-Campanian nobles such as the Lanza di Scalea, Adragna, Sanseverino, Tomasi di Lampedusa, Paterno, Cattaneo, Serena di Lapigio and Rocco di Torrepadula families. Many Italian crime families were Sicilian nobles like the Bonanno and Bellomo families. Both the mafia bosses and the Italian and Spanish nobles call themselves Dons, which is the equivalent of Boos (boss) of crime. The Savoy, Savoy-Aosta, Medici, Borbon-Dos Sicilias, and Borbon-Parma families are members of Italian royalty and are married to various European royal bloodlines and Black Nobility. Most of the monarchs are members of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Carlo Massimo has been overseeing the Sovereign Military Order of Malta as President of the Italian Association of SMOM. The Knights of Malta have an undercover operation at the Jesuit School of Foreign Service in Georgetown, run by Joel Hellman. The Jesuits and the Knights of Malta basically run the Defense Department alongside British Crown agents and high-level Freemasons. Prince Carlo de Borbón-Dos Sicilias is a high commander of the Society of Jesus through his Sacred Constantinian Military Order of Saint George. The Jesuits were authorized by Pope Paul III of the Farnese family. The Bourbon-Dos Sicilias and Borbon-Parma families are the continuation of the Farnese family, the name Farnesivs is engraved in the Jesuit headquarters called the Church of Gesu in Rome. The Farnese family lived in a pentagonal fortress called Farnese Villa Caprarola, which is the basis for the design of the American Pentagon. Jesuits are involved in education, politics, banking, science, law, and especially military intelligence. The Italian Bourbons have established residences all over the world, including Florida. Jesuits need to be investigated and banned, they have rightly been expelled from almost every country in the world, but they always end up coming back. In Spain three times, his last return was at the hands of General Franco.
The Holy See is a corporate body that issues laws and bills, such as the Golden Bull, which claims ownership of the Kingdom of England and identifies the emperor as the sovereign of the only legitimate universal empire, directly chosen by God. The Pope claims temporal power or ownership over the Earth and also claims Papal Supremacy or Papal Rule and Papal Infallibility. Infallibility means incapable of being wrong. The Roman Curia or Papal Court is the highest organized council in society and is directly supervised by the two “Assistants of the Prince to the Pontifical Throne”, these two positions are held by the princes of the Colonna and Torlonia families. They work with a higher level princely council of the Italian nobility that works with another council made up of the Roman nobility. The Italian and Austrian nobility are married to each other and work closely together leading the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which is a sovereign entity equivalent to that of a sovereign nation. The Italian Nobility, La Cosa Nostra and the German and Austrian Nobles, run the Jewish Mafia. Royalty and nobles have massive amounts of wealth in private bank accounts in Switzerland. They use the Nazi-founded Bank for International Settlements to steal wealth from central banks through fraudulent tax contracts and then launder and hide the wealth in private bank accounts in Switzerland. The main Italian lineages still active include the Massimo, Colonna, Pallavicini, Torlonia, Aldobrandini, Ruspoli, Orsini, Gaetani-D'Aragona, Borbón-Parma, Odescalchi, Borghese, Adragni, Chigi, Medici, Borromeo, Doria-Pamphilj, Sacchetti, Savoy, Grimaldi and Bourbon. These bloodlines oversee the various specters of society. Outside of this power structure is the Committee of 300 with an inner circle made up of the leading monarchs and princes of Europe and the former Holy Roman Empire with members from Windsor, Spencer, Cecil, Percy, Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Habsburg, Bonaparte, Orleans, Bernadotte, Lagergren, Glucksburg, Hannover, Furstenberg, Austria-East, Hohenberg, Hesse, Nassau-Weilberg, Habsburg-Lorraine, Saxe Coburg and Gotha, Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach, Saxony-Meiningen, Braganza, Orange-Nassau, Hohenzollern , Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Liechtenstein, Rothschild, FitzJames, Lobkowicz, Ligne, Merode, Romanov, Thurn and Taxis, Schwarzenberg, Orsini-Rosenberg, Windisch-Graetz, Esterhazy and other families. Many members who do not have noble status on the Committee of 300 are representatives of the royal families.
These families are all enemies of humanity and have conspired to enslave the world for centuries. They authorize and create corporations and billionaires, run religions, states, secret societies, the mafia, and organized crime syndicates. Royal families in Europe are mainly divided into two factions, and this dates back to the Guelph merchants and Ghibelline landowners. All other groups like Bilderberg, CFR, and the Trilateral Commission are lower-level organizations. All roads lead to Rome, which is the basis of its control system. The European Constitutional Monarchies are branches of the corporate empire of Rome. Constitutional Monarchies are ruled by blood-appointed heads of state and serve Rome through the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Pope claims temporary or physical ownership of the Earth. The Pope claims to be infallible of error. The Pope claims ownership over all souls through the papal doctrine of "Papal Supremacy." The Pope is a leader for the Black Nobility of Italy.
The Jesuits are a military priesthood officially established by Pope Paul III A.K. to Alessandro Farnese of the Farnese family. The Jesuits were officially established under the Papal Bull called Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae, which means Military Regiment of the Church as the continuation of the Templars. The Black Nobles are the true owners and controllers of the Vatican and maintain their control throughout the centuries by installing their relatives as high-level popes and bishops. At present the Torlonia and Colonna families who have the hereditary positions of Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne are those who supervise the pope. In turn Pope Francis supervises all members of the Catholic Church and also supervises the various secret societies that are connected with the Church.
The Jesuits are also a Masonic order and were the continuation of the Templar orders when they were banned. The Roman Catholic Church mocks Christians by performing rituals where they pretend to drink blood and eat human flesh known as the Eucharist, also called Holy Sacrifice. The New Testament did not exist until about 1600 and the Old Testament is even more recent than the new. It was the Vatican and European monarchs who created both the New and the Old Testaments. The last official version of the bible was published in 1777.
The bishops and priests operate as supervisors and the Jesuits function as spies trained in deception and are infiltrated everywhere. The Pope claims temporal power or ownership over the Earth and also claims Papal Supremacy or Papal Rule and Papal Infallibility. Infallibility means incapable of being wrong. Archbishops are the overseers of society within their districts and oversee politics, police, business, and organized crime. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum means New Order of Ages (or Ages), or also "New World Order", and is on the US dollar bill and Great Seal of the United States.
The Vatican uses Latin as an official language and for documents. America is named after the Italian Americo Vespucci who worked for the Medici family of Florence and Rome. Vespucci created the term New World for America. The Bank of America was originally called the Bank of Italy and was founded by Amadeo Giannini, who was financed by Italians. Nations were formed as companies or corporations to exploit their citizens as merchandise. Corporations are fraudulent constructions because they are considered a person with rights under the law, and because the owners and controllers of the corporations can disregard responsibility for crimes committed by the corporation. That is fraudulent. Corporations are not people and therefore cannot have rights. Corporations are also monopolies that use subsidiaries to hide their dominance over industry. Private companies cannot compete fairly with corporations. Citizens are also classified as legal persons (companies), robbing them of all their human rights. Corporations shouldn't exist.
Royalty and nobles issue charters establishing representative covert property agents controlled by corporate households or crowns of royalty and nobles. They claim to own foreign governments in this way. Royalty and nobles claim to own the United States as a continuation of the Virginia Company. Roman royalty such as the Hanover, Hesses, Wurttembergs, Hohenzollerns, Glucksburgs, Orange-Nassaus and Saxe-Coburg and Gothas claim a share of ownership over the British Crown. This is why the British royal family has so much German ancestry. The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002. Section 15. Most of the founding fathers were Freemasons and worked for the British Crown and German royalty. American political families, such as the Bushs, Clintons, Romneys, and Kennedys, take their names from European noble families that still exist. The Von Dem Bussche family are German nobles and relatives of the Bush family. The Clintons and Romneys are also British nobles. The Kennedys are Scottish-Irish nobles and an American political family involved with the Democratic Party. Mars, Walton, Rockefeller, Guggenheim, Getty, Hearst, Sackler, Lauder, Sachs, Busche, Johnson, McMahon, Forbes, and Cox are some of the billionaire American families that work with royalty and nobles in Europe. The Mars family is worth about 70 billion and works with the Windsor, Savoy, Thurn and Taxis families. The Waltons are worth around 130 billion and work with German nobles like the Württemberg, Baden, Hohenzollern and Isenberg families. The various Johnson families in the United States are collectively worth tens of billions and serve as agents for the House of Hannover. They own Johnson and Johnson and Fidelity Investments. The Hanovers are powerful royals and merchants who established the Hanseatic League. The Hearst family is worth more than 25 billion and several members were educated at Harvard University of the British Crown. The McMahon family is a billionaire and owner of the WWE and works under the Bonapartes and Savoys as their noble ancestors who were served militarily by the MacMahons during the Second Italian War of Independence. Today there are MacMahons in France with Italian and French titles of nobility. The Lauder family works for the House of Esterhazy in Austria and the House of East in Austria and Italy. The Guggenheims have assets worth hundreds of billions and are married to the House of Stuart. The Getty family are billionaire American oil merchants and are married to the Italian House of Ruspoli. The Forbes family are billionaires and American descendants of Scottish nobles who still exist.
All gang stalking and cult organizations are owned and controlled by members of royalty and nobility. Criminal organizations such as Royalty itself, Royal Institutions, The Company of Jesus, The Black Monks, The Hellfire Club, The Templar Orders, Freemasonry, The Grand Orient of France, The York Rite, The Scottish Rite, Prince Masonry of Prince Hall, Shriners International, The Royal Order of Jesters, The Cabal Society, Chabad, Scientology, Skull & Bones, The Boulé Society, The 5% Nation, The Nation of Islam, Black Israelites, The Ordo Templi Orientis ( OTO), The Temple of Set, The Church of Satan, Rosicrucian, Golden Dawn, Opus Dei, Mormons, Knights of Columbus, The Bohemian Club, Knights of Phintias, Ancient Order of Druids, Wicca, Santeria, Obeah, Voodoo, Sufism , Greek Fraternities and Brotherhoods, New Age and Gnostic Cults, Nazi Cults, KKK, Mafias, Prison Gangs, Biker Gangs and Street Gangs. The Rockefeller family uses their charitable foundations to fund harassment gangs and bribery in the United States, as well as globalization agendas and vaccination programs. The Rockefeller Foundation funded Almighty Vice Lord Nation, which is an organized crime group, and also funded the Tavistock Institute.
Hollywood, the Church of Scientology, and Silicon Valley are military operations like the US DARPA agency and run by European royalty and nobles like the Oettingen-Spielbergs, Schaumburg-Lippes, Anhalts, Hanovers, Windsors, Passi di Preposulos, Ruspolis, Torlonias and Odescalchis. The Ferragamo family is also involved in the management and financing of corruption in Hollywood. The House of Nassau-Weilberg, which is married to the Torlonias, funds human trafficking and human sacrifice in Hollywood. Idols in the entertainment industry are a dangerous cult with leaders who have access to electronic weapons. Most of modern electronics is being broadcast covertly with GENISIS and NEURON bio-piracy software controlled by Kabbalists and Scientologists. European monarchies function as extensions of Rome and run secret societies that infiltrate government agencies and run corporations for monarchs. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is the main military council and works closely with the Orders of St. John administered by Protestant royalty such as the Windsors and the Hohenzollerns. The Order of Malta and the Order of Saint John are Masonic organizations with grand masters and titles for initiation. The royal and noble bloodlines are all working together as a global crime syndicate and part of a modernized Roman corporate empire. They also have several competing factions that create the illusion of division. The British crown and Scottish nobles such as the Bruce, Stewart, Sinclair, Campbell, Montagu, Scott, Hamilton, Percy, Boyle, Bowes-Lyon and Sutherland families administer a large part of Freemasonry. All of these families produced Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of England. There are thousands of Masonic lodges in Europe and in the United States. Freemasonry must be investigated and outlawed. The Greek-German Royal House of Glucksburg directs the Greek fraternities and brotherhoods and uses initiates as its agents. Glucksburg nobles and Italians run the Boule Society, Boule is a Greek fraternal society for African Americans. Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson have been members of Boule, among many other high-profile, successful, and wealthy blacks, including Barack Obama, Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton, and Thurgood Marshall. The Glucksburg family rules Denmark and Norway and recently ruled Greece. Among its members are the ex-queen Sofía of Spain and Duke Felipe de Edimburgo. Former Greek nobility and royal merchants such as the Mavroleon, Onassis, and Niarchos families are billionaires who have a monopoly in the shipping industry and work with British nobles. The Greek royal family currently lives in London from where many Greek consignment merchants operate. The British Crown authorized and controls universities such as Yale and Harvard which are used to recruit Crown agents through fraternal orders such as Skull & Bones and Book and Snake. Royal and noble families also do undercover business in the City of London Corporation, which dominates global markets. Some of the major London merchant families include the Goldsmith, Stuart, Rothschild, Grosvenor, Sassoon, Barclay, Sutherland, Montagu, Bailey and Guinness families. The Sutherland family created the HSBC bank that has a long history of financial scandals around the world (Emilio Botín, Fernando Alonso, Mohamed VI, Jorge Trías and Jordi Pujol Jr. had accounts at HSBC when it was chaired by Stephen Green, Baron Green of Hurstpierpoint). The Bailey family is co-founder of Janus Henderson through a merger. Janus Henderson manages around 190 billion in assets. The Stuart family owns the Hudson Bay Company and has an alliance with the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach, which is the covert owner of some of the Hudson's Bay Company subsidiaries, which were founded by Bavarian merchants. HBC has approximately $ 12 billion in assets and has had fiscal contracts with the United States through the Organic Law of the District of Columbia of 1871.
The Orange-Nassau family are influential traders through the Netherlands Trading Society and have a large number of shares in Royal Dutch Shell, Philips Electronics and ABN AMRO Bank. The Orange-Nassaus and their Dreyfus agents run the Rand Corporation, which has a contract with the US military. Rand's founder was a Dutch gentleman. The Orange-Nassau family also runs the Loyal Orange Institution in Ireland, which has infiltrated the police, justice and politics. The Luxembourg Nassau-Weilburg family are international bankers connected to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The royal families of Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands have shares in the European Investment Bank and all of these royals are recently married to Italian nobles. The Ligne family from Belgium are wealthy diamond and gold merchants. The Belgian Crown and its nobles are stealing wealth from the United States through fraudulent tax contracts established through the Organic Law of the District of Columbia of 1871 and continue to do so through the Bank for International Settlements. The Barons Strange heads the Masonic Order of Oddfellow. The Russell family are the Marquesses of Tavistock and they run the Tavistock Institute, which is an organization involved in mass mind control. The Russell family also co-founded the Yale University and Russell Trust Association, which is named after the New Haven, Connecticut company based on the Skull & Bones secret society.
Skull & Bones is a death cult military complex run by the Bush family from the USA who are like a European royal family in the USA. The Furstenberg family runs the Royal Order of Jesters who wear a jester on their coat of arms. The Clintons work closely with the House of Furstenberg, who have residences in the United States. The Italian Orsini family and the Holy Roman Rosenberg family lead the Rosicrucian Order of alchemists who infiltrate food and drug companies for chemical warfare. The Medici family, who have a statue of Hermes (Mercury) in their palace in Rome, administer the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an alchemical secret society. The Medici were architects of modern banking. The Pierleoni family of Rome and the Spanish House of Bourbon-Anjou run the Kabbalah Society, which uses the Spanish lion for its logo. The Pacelli family of Rome and the Crescenzi family of Italy administer the Wiccan witchcraft cults. The Bavarian Wittelsbach family from Bavaria created the Bavarian Illuminati and administers the Benedictine Monks and is also part of the Jewish Mafia in the United States who are white collar criminals. The Pecci family of Italy also owns the Jewish mafia in the United States through their marriage to the Blumenthal family. The House of Wittelsbach is involved with Zionism, Nazism, Freemasonry, and the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits function as Roman intelligence and infiltrators and use their universities to recruit and train agents for Rome. Jesuit agents dominate leadership positions in the United States military and intelligence and especially in the CIA. The Knights of Columbus are owned by the Casa de Colonna. Christopher Columbus was Pedro Madruga, the Count of Caminha, a relative of the Colonnas who settled in Pontevedra at the time of the Romans. Many Knights of Columbus are police officers, mayors, lawyers, and judges, protecting the Italian mob while targeting free-thinking people. The Knights of Columbus are heavily involved in gang harassment.
Court Jews such as the Rothschild, Warburg, Goldsmith, Oppenheimer, Walton, Sassoon, Kadoorie, Lewis, Javal, Lauder, Sackler and Dreyfus families work through the Roman Curia or royal courtrooms such as Buckingham Palace. The French Rothschilds work for the Black Nobility of Rome and the French House of Orleans. The British Rothschilds work for the British Crown. The Sassoon and Kadoorie families work for the British Crown and oversee banking and business in China and India. The Swiss Rothschilds work for the House of Habsburg and the House of Hesse. The Oppenheimers work for the German House of Wurttemberg and the Cologne Oppenheim branch. the Austrian House of Habsburg granted them titles of nobility. The Warburgs work for the Italian House of Borghese and the German House of Hesse and the House of Hannover. Warburg Pincus had a contract with Unicredit that merged with the Borghese Family's Bank of the Holy Spirit. The Warburgs were Venetian bankers and the Borghese family now hold Venetian titles of nobility. The Warburgs financed the Nazis. The Dreyfus family works for the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau and the French House of Bonaparte. Jewish banking families work for Christian nobles and royalty. These billionaire Jewish bloodlines run many rabbis who run a criminal intelligence network that works with Mossad. The French House of Bonaparte and the Swedish House of Bernadotte control many of the main European companies through their knights of the Order of Seraphim and the Legion of Honor, who are also members of the Round Table of Industrialists of Europe, which it has a great economic influence on the markets. The Wallenbergs run corporations worth hundreds of billions and work for the Swedish House of Bernadotte. The Wallenbergs and the Swedish Crown also work with the Jesuits and the Vatican. The Black Nobility and other royal families have been hiding billions in private banks in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. The royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein own and run their own national and private banks. Austrian and Eastern European royalty and nobles, such as the Habsburgs, Esterhazys and Schonberg, use private banks in Liechtenstein and also own Israeli and Jewish mafias. The Esterhazy family together with the Lucchesi-Palli family run a faction of the Russian mafia through the mob boss Semion Mogilevich from Budapest. The Torlonia family owns the Fucino Bank in Rome and functions as Vatican bankers and treasurers. The Torlonia family of Rome and the Hohenzollern family of Germany are the main owners and controllers of the Bank for International Settlements which was founded and administered by the Nazis during World War II. The Torlonias are architects of fascism and the Hohenzollerns are architects of Nazism.
The East, Rothschild and Hottinger families are some of the leading Swiss bankers. The Romanian Sturdza family also owns a private bank in Switzerland. The Casanova family of Italy and Spain is one of the leading political families in Switzerland. The East and Savoy families run the Bank for International Settlements, which has a contract with most of the major central banks and is embezzling the wealth of nations through fraudulent loans and contracts. The Savoys live in Switzerland and Prince Lorenz of Austria-Este works at the Gutzwiller bank. The Bank for International Settlements must be investigated and closed. The Gutzwiller family is one of the leading banking families in Switzerland, owning its own private bank and managing 35 other Swiss banks. The Swiss Guard is a military body in charge of the security of the Pope and the Holy See. The ceremonial head of the Swiss Guard is the Pope, sovereign of Vatican City. Italian mafias are Rome's enforcers involved in extortion, money laundering, murder and drug trafficking, and they pay their dues to the Sicilian mafia, which in turn pays them to the black nobility. The mafia channels its earnings and tributes to the Black Nobility through the Vatican charitable foundations and then from the Vatican bank they are transferred to the private accounts of the Swiss Bank. The Savoy’s Genovese crime family specializes in extorting Wall Street. The mafia is rigging professional sports for gambling and they also launder their criminal winnings through the casinos. The Torlonia family owns the Kansas City crime family and shares ownership of the Pittsburgh crime family with the Borghese family of Rome and the Rocco di Torrepadula family of Sicily. The French House of Orleans owns the New Orleans crime family and the Franco-British Beaufort family oversees and owns the Dixie Mafia factions along with other British peers who have French ancestry. Cox's billionaire family is involved in multimedia communications and is part of the owners of the Dixie mob, which is involved in tobacco and ginseng sales as well as arms, drug and human trafficking. The Goldsmith and Sassoon families own Pakistani and Hindu human trafficking networks operating in the United Kingdom. The Imperial House of Brazil, Orleans-Braganza and the Belgian House of Ligne are married and have shares in the Brazilian companies AmBev and Belgian Anheuser-Busch InBev. The House of Orleans-Braganza owns Brazilian drug cartels that are also involved in human trafficking. The Sforza family owns the Stidda Mafia clans operating in the Sforza-Visconti territory in Milan and the Sforza and Visconti families have greater control over the Italian Stock Exchange or the Milan Stock Exchange. Milanese billionaire Silvio Berlusconi works for the Sforza and Visconti families and has a monopoly on Italian media and politics. Berlusconi founded the Forza political party in Italy named after the Sforzas. Some northern Italian nobles such as the Visconti, Borromeo, Este, Gonzaga, Valenti, D’Adda, and Passi di Preposulo families are closely related to billionaire families such as the Rothschilds, Agnellis, Benettons, Armanis, and Ferreros. The Sforza and Visconti families own the Seattle crime family with the Gaetani family as partial owners. The Seattle crime family controls billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos through blackmail. In 2017, Microsoft and Amazon employees were caught in a sex trafficking scandal.
The Colonna family owns the Knights of Columbus and also owns the Colombo crime family and partially owns the Chicago Outfit along with the Capponi and Roselli families of the Florence Turk. Al Capone was an agent of the House of Capponi and John Roselli was an agent of the Roselli del Turco family. Roselli also worked for the CIA. Colonna means column like Colombo and Colón. The Knights of Columbus infiltrate police departments and work with the Italian mafia. The Massimo and Gaetani families own and run the Gambino crime family and the Philadelphia crime family. The Massimo-Brancaccio family also owns and runs the Magliana or Roman Mafia and the Armed Revolutionary Nuclei, as well as the Graviano de Brancaccio crime family in Palermo, Sicily, which is part of the Corleonisi mafia clan. The Massimo family receives tribute from most of the Italian crime families and even from the Russian mafia and Eastern European mafias. The Massimo de Roccasecca family, who live in London, own the Clerkenwell crime syndicate, also known as the Adams Family or the London A-team and are part owners of the Irish Mafia, including the Rathkeale Rovers. The Borghese family is also the main owner of the Sicilian Mafia and the Mafia Magliana. The Lucchesi-Palli and Pallavicini families own the Lucchese crime family to which the Russian mafia in Brighton Beach pays tribute. The Pallavicini family owns the Armenian mafia that operates in Hollywood and works closely with the Kardashian family. The Romanovs are partial owners of the Russian mafia and have established several residences in the United States. The Giustiniani family oversee the Philadelphia Greek Mafia along with some Greek merchants. Royal and noble families finance organized crime. The Jewish Mafia reorganized into a white collar crime and worked with the black hand of the Italian Mafia. The head of the Jewish mafia in the United States is billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Leon Black is another one of the leading Jewish mobsters in New York. The Jewish Mafia participates in professional sports with white-collar mobsters such as Daniel Gilbert, Robert Kraft, Joshua Harris, Tom Werner, Jerry Reinsdorf, George Kaiser, Peter Guber, Joe Lacob, Mark Cuban, and Micky Arison. The European Union is based on the Treaty of Rome that was signed at the Capitol in Rome. The president of the European Central Bank is Mario Draghi, born in Rome and educated by the Jesuits at the Massimo Institute. Mario Draghi is an undercover relative of the Borghese and Del Drago families. The Erba-Odescalchi family with ancestry from Cernobbio, Italy, runs CERN with the Roman Fabiola Gianotti as CERN Director General that is used to generate pressure in the lower atmosphere in order to oppress society. CERN, HAARP, The Church of Scientology, Chemtrails and electronic devices are being used to covertly oppress society. The US military administers a HAARP electronic harassment system in Puerto Rico that is controlled from Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, which is under the command of Captain David Culpepper. The CIA and the Italian Mafia have a large criminal operation in Cuba. The CIA and Cosa Nostra work closely to this day.
Islamic royal families were named after European royalty in the 19th and 20th centuries and especially after the First World War. Middle Eastern royalty run the oil industry and use their massive wealth to fund globalist agendas that allow them to rule their nations. The house of Saud is worth at least a billion. The House of Thani and the House of Al Khalifa work with the House of Saud and are also wealthy oil traders. Royals from the Middle East run the Muslim Brotherhood and the Five Percent and the Nation of Islam, which are violent mobs of cult and harassment. These organizations need to be investigated and banned. They also own an Arab mob that is based in New Jersey and Detroit. The royal family of Morocco are wealthy merchants and owners of the Abergil crime family of Israel and Morocco. The House of Bourbon and Spanish nobility such as the Osorio, Fitz James, Alvarez (Alba), Pignatelli, Arteaga, Borja, Zuniga, Ruspoli, and Aragon-Escobar families own the majority of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The Osorio and Borja families own MS-13. The Borgia and Borja families are also partial owners of the Mongels motorcycle gang. The Bourbons own the Gulf Cartel and the Lating Kings. The Ruspolis are partial owners of the Sinaloa Cartel and the Primeiro Comando da Capital in Sao Paulo, where their Matarazzo cousins ​​reside. The FitzJames and Alvarez families own the Los Zetas Cartel. The Álvarez and Osorio families also own the Bandidos motorcycle gang. The House of Bourbons are the founders and owners of Banco Santander. The King of Spain has the official right to the throne as King of Jerusalem.
submitted by zzliberated to conspiracy [link] [comments]

r/CoronavirusDownunder random daily discussion thread - 16 January, 2021

CoronavirusDownunder random daily discussion thread - 16 January, 2021

🎥 Press conferences today

State Presser time Where to watch
Victoria TBA The Age, ABC Melbourne, 9news live, ABC News - YouTube
Queensland TBA The Age, ABC Brisbane (Facebook), 9news live, ABC News - YouTube, Annastacia Palaszczuk MP (Facebook)
NSW Most likely at 11am AEDT The Age, NSW Health Facebook, 9news live, ABC News - YouTube

National COVID-19 update as of 15/01/2021

Feeling overwhelmed?

Seeking help when you need it is an important step towards improving your mental health. There are a range of services available so you can find the support you need. To learn more about seeking mental health support, visit:
Source: Australian Government Department of Health

🌎 Other news

Feel free to talk about the COVID-19 situation in any country within this post and/or anything else you like as long as it is within the rules.
Asia 🇳🇵 - Nepal approves emergency use of Covishield vaccine / Nepal approves AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use /
🇨🇳 - China reports most daily Covid-19 cases in over 10 months
🇯🇵 - Japan eyes punishment for breaking COVID-19 rules
🇮🇳 - India to send 20 million Covid-19 vaccine doses to South Asian neighbours, other regions
🇮🇱 - Israel hits 2 million vaccinated against COVID-19
🇮🇩 - Instagram influencers are a vaccine priority in wary Indonesia
🇹🇭 - Thailand to introduce tourism tax for every visitor, advised to legalize gambling to help stop the spread of Covid-19
🇵🇰 - “I decided to step up”: The Pakistan woman who volunteered to help Covid victims
🇨🇳 - Over 10 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines administered in China
🇱🇰 - Sri Lanka s confirmed Covid-19 cases cross 51,000
🇳🇵🇮🇳 - The Latest: Nepal Seeks Early Supply of Vaccines From India
🇵🇭 🇨🇳 - Philippines senators query government's preference for China vaccine after new efficacy data
🇹🇷 - Turkey's vaccine blitz tops 500,000 on second day of rollout
Europe 🇬🇧 - ‘Highly contagious’ Brazilian Covid variant detected in UK, says leading virologist, as South America travel ban comes into force
🇬🇧 - UK closing ALL travel corridors in bid to block new virus variants arriving from overseas / UK ends quarantine-free travel in fight against new coronavirus variants /
🇳🇴 - Norway says Pfizer delaying deliveries to Europe
🇮🇪 - Covid Tracker app issues close contact alerts to 20,000 people in six months
🇸🇪 - Sweden registers 4,703 new COVID-19 cases, 138 deaths on Friday
🇬🇧 - Man charged after woman injected with fake Covid vaccine
🇬🇧 - New Covid outbreak at third UK immigration removal centre
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - Covid-19: Norfolk and Norwich Hospital requests military help
🇮🇪 - Heartbreaking photos show patients lined up on trolleys at Covid-hit hospital
🇨🇿 - Czech Republic: Ex-president unremorseful after breaking COVID rules by visiting restaurant
🇫🇷 - France introduces tougher Covid-19 restrictions for non-EU travellers
🇮🇹 - Italy Extends COVID Curbs Amid Third Wave Risks
🇫🇷 - France only has enough Covid jabs to vaccinate 2.4 million people by end of February, says Health Minister
🇬🇷 - Greece may ease more COVID-19 curbs from Monday, says PM
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 - Wales to introduce new Covid protections in supermarkets
🇭🇺 - Hungary could return to ‘normal life’ by summer if Chinese vaccine is approved, PM Orban says
Americas 🇺🇸 - Contagious UK coronavirus strain will be widespread in US by March, experts claim
🇺🇸 - 'No time to waste': Biden unveils $1.9tn coronavirus stimulus package
🇨🇦 - Canada has secured more vaccine doses per capita than anyone else, but it’s been slow to administer them
🇺🇸 - Miami Mayor Wants Residency Restriction for COVID Vaccine
🇨🇦 - Canada on track for 10K COVID-19 cases a day, measures must be ‘further intensified’: feds
🇧🇷 - Health care in Brazil's Amazonas state in 'collapse' as Covid-19 infections surge
🇺🇸 - For Los Angeles-area ambulance crews, the COVID-19 calls never stop
🇧🇷 - Brazil faces oxygen shortage as new variant spreads
🇺🇸 - Some U.S. nursing home residents face delays for COVID-19 vaccines despite extreme risk
🇧🇷 - Brazilian authorities airlift oxygen to coronavirus-stricken Manaus
🇺🇸 - New Jersey is prioritizing cigarette smokers for COVID-19 vaccines because of their risk of severe disease
🇺🇸 - LA County Board of Supervisors to consider more business closures as COVID cases surge, report says

Some numbers around the world 🌏️

  • +38 (total cases: 9,453).
  • +0 (total deaths: 161).

  • +188 (total cases: 11,540).
  • +0 (total deaths: 69).

  • +513 (total cases: 71,241).
  • +22 (total deaths: 1,217).

  • +2,048 (total cases: 496,646).
  • +137 (total deaths: 9,876).

  • +3,211 (total cases: 151,066).
  • +8 (total deaths: 586).

🇨🇱 - CHILE:
  • +4,468 (total cases: 661,180).
  • +75 (total deaths: 17,369).

🇯🇵 - JAPAN:
  • +6,591 (total cases: 309,214).
  • +82 (total deaths: 4,315).

🇨🇦 - CANADA (as of 14/01):
  • +7,563 (total cases: 688,891).
  • +155 (total deaths: 17,538).

🇵🇱 - POLAND:
  • +7,795 (total cases: 1,422,320).
  • +386 (total deaths: 32,844).

  • +8,199 (total cases: 1,146,963).
  • +166 (total deaths: 20,542).

  • +10,663 (total cases: 528,469).
  • +159 (total deaths: 8,543).

  • +12,818 (total cases: 882,418).
  • +238 (total deaths: 25,484).

🇮🇳 - INDIA (as of 14/01):
  • +15,677 (total cases: 10,528,508).
  • +189 (total deaths: 151,954).

🇮🇹 - ITALY:
  • +16,146 (total cases: 2,352,423).
  • +477 (total deaths: 81,325).

🇲🇽 - MEXICO:
  • +16,468 (total cases: 1,588,369).
  • +999 (total deaths: 137,916).

🇫🇷 - FRANCE:
  • +21,271 (total cases: 2,872,941).
  • +399 (total deaths: 69,949).

🇪🇸 - SPAIN:
  • +40,197 (total cases: 2,252,164).
  • +235 (total deaths: 53,314).

🇬🇧 - UK:
  • +55,761 (total cases: 3,316,019).
  • +1,280 (total deaths: 87,295).
  • +390 (total hospitalisations: 37,943).
  • +107 (total ICU admissions: 3,803).
  • Vaccinated:
    • 1st dose: 3.2M (+316,694)
    • 2nd dose: 443K (+5,257)

🇧🇷 - BRAZIL (as of 14/01):
  • +68,656 (total cases: 8,326,115).
  • +1,151 (total deaths: 207,160).

🇺🇸 - USA (as of 14/01):
  • +234,419 (total cases: 23,852,376).
  • +4,142 (total deaths: 398,067).

States reported 2 million tests, 223k cases, 128,947 people currently hospitalized with COVID-19, and 3,915 deaths.

The bright spot is our most consistent metric: current hospitalizations. This week, they appear to have leveled off. That said, there are still more than 2x the number of hospitalized patients now as during previous surges.

Here's that weekly look. Testing data may be back online after the holidays and case data is beginning to stabilize. As noted, we seem to be seeing the first signs of hospitalizations slowing down at a national level.
submitted by Stoaticor to CoronavirusDownunder [link] [comments]

i'm gonna sing songs to the whole entire world !!!

WISH IN WHAT WORLD DOES GOING NOT MATTER D Unilateral Reggae Clause, 3D 3D. 3D, But, But "Dear CBS D YOU So Then, Then It EXTREMELY ONLINE 3D See Just Just Maybe 3D. Bbmaj9, F9sus4 But That Because (EXCEPT A, B Capital NOT But, The Esus4/G#, Amin9 2D, 2D 3D, Shrekleback: Chad Krogre 'La Something Because 3D So So Want So It's Just Now We And So Another So Then And G, Bb Amin F C G B+7 CCmin/EbB-7Esus4A-7Dsus4G WACKY But Dadd4 If 3D 3D C G D VR U'N'I Then First C: 2D The There Sometimes 2D 2D G G Emin. Bb Sometimes WRONG F E So, Mount Helens Mount Helens Mount St Helens. Mount Helens MEDIUM! AND, Actually Tuesday Unless But Well, Tuesday But So So Now So 3D The Half Then NO And I And GO So, And, So etc). 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F The Then, When But, So Actually, So ANYTHING Ab, Great Art START EQ It's TV If CAN Some Then This So, Trifecta Unreliability Florence Trifecta Unreliability MiRaCLe oF LiFe THE PLOT 3D Tuesday, March PM AFTER, C#-7 Esus2 C# You SENSIBLE NOT After At So So And The POSSIBLE. Going Naming MAKING COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF AUDIO VISUAL CONTENT HATE HATE, LiQuId SONGWRITING (Friday, November PM) D. F D, A/D, G/B, D/A, G, D/F#, Asus4, Actually, ARE So At Alternatively, But Then But The So FIRST Another Finally, This WISH E dRaMa approximately E G#-7 Asus4 C#-7 B7sus4 B7Sus4 E G#-7 Asus2B7sus4 B7sus4 E wantED. Mild, Bold, Tries Isn't NOT W WISH 3D SHRED OR THIS INCLUDES So And Time/Space SOME D Sometimes However, Then, CAN WISH ONE IS 3D 2D 3D, 2D 2D So And 3D 2D St. Juice 3D Trying WISH 3D 3D PR HATE "Favourite HATE, RECORD A ONE Bambi Bambi NOT NSYNC Backstreet Boys, NSYNC UNLESS OR WAY However, But Then, It's NOT I Gradually, YOU YOU You FEASIBILITY. OH LORD HEAVENS PRAISE THE HUMBLE AND MIGHTY FEASIBILITY SIZE FEW Actually, SOMETHING, HOPEFULLY This FORWARDS "It's Everything You Need" But, WHEN Then, I So Well First If Just Then Then It's AT TEMPO But NOT It's 'Winston Churchill' WITHOUT Anger INCLUDING Wednesday, October PM tRAD What You Won't Do For Love BUT, Robert Redford And But C7 F7, F7. F But, So As ANYTHING THEN B Sometimes HATE, HOWEVER, Thindiana Earth B. A B F# Tuesday TOO POSSIBLE C, Aminor7, Adominant7. Aminor7, C A7 C# RLLR-RLLR OKness ~bEsT oF bOtH wOrLdDs~ INWARD DENTS? And Even ANYONE TO EVEN BE AWARE YOU ARE DOING IT CONTROLS OR, INTO eArTh MORE HIGHS AND LOWS lOoKiNg Greenland, Scotland Now, The The 3D Eb: Eb6 if F: F9sus4 if G: Cmin7/G if Ab: Abmaj9 if Bb: Cmin7/Bb if C: Cmin7 it's C E D F G AROUND World's Best Mug CDs SHOULD 'Thursday Paint', So Thursday Paint.' 'That Thursday Paint Shiat.' SHOULD CAN HOW WHAT Improvisation C G7 HOW If Endless Eons, EXCITING PROCESS So This "Y2K" Y2K Y2K VERTICAL WITHOUT IN A7sus4/E, My E-sus11 (Emin NOT E Gsus2/E G2/E G2 Gsus2 E E Check HOW MANY And THREE ROLES IN TOTAL. Basically If And So Well, NOT In YOU NOT This Let's In Let's Well, An EXACTLY, AND BEEF Also TWO them. So, So And Oct Oct EXCEPT Lightness, HOW DID YOU KNOW E IS MIGHT You, IS Ohio Colorado EXTREME MENTAL SOLUTIONS CONFLICT AND INFIGHTING My YouTube, El Niño L, One People's Nut FUCKING FUCK NO FUCK DAMMIT NO, FUCK CAUTION: Advantage Advantages 'MIRROR' BETWEEN But Even ALL OF THEM CANNOT AND ALL), OS YOU E YOU DECIDE Faroe Islands MORE OF THEM E D#. D Eb. However, Eb D#, Eb D#, Eb, Arial Pranford All And Also, SIMPLICITY POLICE 3D There And IT YOU F RESTRAINT AND MODERATION B, E B (Ashoka), Ever, Buddhism. (Indo-Europeans) more. BY THE WAY,there South America, Farm Harder here. why? Fat Dank River Valleys. home LEVEL UP !!!!!!!!! NEW TRICK: try oxygen OXYGEN ALERT: Breathe "What?" US Loudness Unit Full Scale, NO LYRICS ALL HOW DOES IT LOOK LIKE A MISTAKE WHEN THE MOVED LETTER IS BRIGHT GREEN However, Or UNLESS Immediately And So MUST Well, This Ultimately Yes, EVERY ACTUALLY For Well, "California Love" So, "California Love" MUST Those So Marijuana California For Alabama One Also, California AND EXCUSES DOT COM News TV I CobBarfers Friday, September PM Greenland, Why Why The World We Live In Is Just Fine, Even If It's Actually Terrible Esus4 G Which hOW DID YOU KNOW LEGAL Ab Cb Fb. G# B E F I EVEN WORSE' Logic 3D 2D Top40 WHEN WHERE Which, E If DON'T GET SOMETHING TOO COMPLICATED. EXPORT. WATCH Stevie Africa Emin Using Where ONE "WOW WHAT A GREAT SONG! MY NEW FAVORITE SONG, GIVE ME THAT SONG OH MY GOODNESS WOW, THIS SONG, (POINTS TO SONG) NEW FAVORITE SONG RIGHT HERE" (ANY Another Whatever Here's For Then OR Guiness Book World Records Or, The "HOW ABOUT MAKING IT TIMES MORE BETTER" But, What So CLICK CLICK CLICK Also, So Hopefully So Well, This Most It's Most But, LOT ESPECIALLY This It's This This More This Again, But OR, ENTIRE BARS. Now, Well, However, MOMENTARILY, Or, Music But Less This Now, Four AND, NOT Library Congress Sometimes THEM, MIGHT Earth Why hLg Tootsie Roll Wait, Sunday, August AM NASA NO ONE The NOT So So So But WHICH IS NOT TRUE BACK DON'T Shrekelback, Chad Krogre INSIDE To Actually WORDS AND SITUATIONS. So WILD MAY CONTAIN EVERYTHING SOMEHOW story). You Can Well, ABSOLUTELY What And FROM And Earth, If Situations/words 3D IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT NOT THE WHOLE POINT OF 'MUSIC THEORY' YOURSELF, Flat Earth A B, Bb C, B C#, C D YOU TURMOIL TERRIFYING Everything ABABABAB TIME BUT AND Don't COUNT OFF! RESTRAINT, OTHER Bsus7 B7sus4, Bsus4 NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN TOTALLY CRAZY aLL oVeR AgAiN Tuesday, August PM SOMEWHAT EXCLUDES NOT EVEN CLOSE Tuesday, August PM IN TRIP AND FALL, AND MESS UP BY MISTAKE AND NOT ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS WITHOUT Let NOT ASK PLANET EARTH GRAVITY Sunday, August PM LARGE DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK IT'S A COINCIDENCE THAT THE RE-ARRANGED LETTER IS BRIGHT GREEN NOTHING YES 3D NOT Then Try Colliders WORLD First, So Add And If F C G Denmark Egyptians DON'T YOU GET IT, FEELING IS MEANINGFUL AND MEANING IS FEELINGFUL BOREDOM IS EFFORTLESSLY KEPT AT BAY WHEN YOU ARE CRIPPLED BY THE WEIGHT OF YOUR OWN AGENDA OH HELL YEAH OH HELL YEAH TV Christopher Lloyd's ARGUE WITH YOURSELF DAY AND NIGHT OVER WHETHER IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE POSSIBLE TO DO EVERYTHING Bullions, Going Are But BACKWARDS, And ABC So So Q Everything CD CD 'Alphabet Shuffle' Gretchen, EW NO THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOME SORT OF TERMINAL DISEASE BEFORE For If And Extremely Unless, If What NATURAL REASONABLE. NOT Aug WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME FUCKING EXTREMELY RIGHT AWAY IF I HAVE ANY SAY IN THE MATTER TRASH, Figuring And As So Or, F C G I WAY Opportunity, Promise YES HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M GOING TO DO Tuesday HECK YEAH, OF RESOUNDING THUNDER Or, But Actually "My New Year's Also Making WHAT ABOUT ALL OF THE VIDEOS AFTER THAT OK IF I CAN Clarity Record Believe Andes I But Some Many The I I Again, THEN Maybe All And MUST I'm YOU PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually, Even There's Logic America Music Sometimes If Music Music universe. And Anyway, Write As Geoligists ROOM? But The WHETHER OR NOT So IF ALSO And NOT NOT So OR So But That's WHICH MEANS, ALWAYS MULTIPLE OF So, EVERY HAS SO, ALWAYS And ALWAYS SO...... OR And STILL So And Now NOT NOT ALSO Going NOT So Then So So Now And NOT This You Some For Another AND Often Another So So I And If The You So So, So UP TO Well, IF SOMETHING LESS, MORE LESS So IF So Or So And The Now SO.... This If Or, DOUBLE, Or Numbers So What So NOT Next Already At So UNDER Next So NOT ARE, So, This But, Now HAVE And But, ANYTHING You So You Then, THAT BUT Because You DIS MORE So, So BUT So So So Hope It But SPARKLES YES, OH HELL YEAH But So This ARKit By If AW HELL NAH Then WOW Making All Options Are On The Table Internet "I #DemandTruthNow A Some Doing It's Would OH THAT SOUNDS DELICIOUS And, And IMPOSSIBLE WILL DON'T NOT Also, A PSRs Most QUESTIONS, SUNG EARTH C, G7 F G F C C Bollywood Bob Brad F NOT ENOUGH SHEER TERROR AND AGONY ESPECIALLY IN THE MORNINGS F#min11 MORE Earth You 3D Science Saturday Disney Disney A And B Ohio Tootsie Roll Good Morning America Good Morning America Fmin7, Fmin9 Mensa, Let Yukon FLOATIVATE Possible However, Unite AARGH This President, Bursar Comptroller Lifelessness. CD, CD, CD Unicycle "Sure, This LOD Brazil SLOW Also, California "I A=440 Tidy, ✓Fair, Balanced Most The Force, HATCHED If Real Universe Soul Humanity 'David Foster' 'David Foster' C F F, Fminor Atlantic What's X Tuesday Tuesdays O's Marvel GPS Apple Apple Apple WITH Q Lyrics "If Sunday, June PM Soul Humanity EVERYWHERE Songs And Other Things Both, Together Intertwined And Mingled Big, Friendly YOUR At START 3D 3D NO ONE OK Objective Powerful. Powerful Day Tuesdays, Logical, Tuesday, YES Wednesday, June PM Extravaganza amahaY Waffcakes Disney The News SONGS 3D Rubric 3D Flat Earth Could 'Do Extremely This A TIME Disney (Azores) 2D So, By Half But, But But, So So So But But Now This In So And, And OR It's 3D Literacy, Presumably, Or, Logic Science Earth, THINK AGAIN OH You Average Animal, HOW DID YOU KNOW LFO LFO Wednesday, June PM Voyager Edition South New Canaan Then IS B Store Mart C G B D 14-DVD 3D India Japan Geometry, Wrong Angle NORMAL 'F' F Y eARTH A.I. Friday, June AM F Then ONLY NOT "Shapes", It 3D Google You'd Now, NO, When But YOU This When So No, ONLY TO Now DON'T THINK Well, OTHER THINK ELSE A YOU You Bm7, Bm9. Also, Bm7(#9). But X X O O X 3D NJ NOW WHAT? HOW DID YOU KNOW Weekend WAIT OH MAN YOU ALMOST GOT ME WITH THAT ONE AGAIN, THIS HAS NOT CHANGED IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION. A BROAD VARIATEY OF 'HUMOR' CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND, RANGING ALL THE WAY FROM COMPLETELY NON-RANDOM, TO SO-RANDOM-IT'S-USELESS, AND THEN OF COURSE THAT EVER SO GENTLE SWEET SPOT RIGHT IN BETWEEN SOMEWHERE HATCHED The Your Orion's Belt XtReMe PErsonaBLE BLAsT!!::!:::: Another EQ I IF ONLY I've I USA It's AWAKE Normality Regularness (William Shakespeare) Leonardo DiCaprio "Oh, "Fantastic!" "Wonderful!" aLiVe, XXtreme OH I FEEL ALL KINDS OF NORMALCY AND REGULARNESS COURSING THROUGH MY VEINS NOT "You Canada TV Now Bm7 (D) In Then Basically That Set Basically But Now If Less, As The Google If Vine, Anger gUeSs AgAiN Tootsie Roll Using But Check Basically Not So, By Half But, But But, So So So But But Now This In So And, And OR It's If The People's Project Neapolitan Neapolitan. If Neapolitan, Neapolitan. G ONLY TIME ASKED Fast Turns What So, Everything Because imagination'. Another I It But So So, So Often I And 3D Maybe What You NOT eXtReMe NOT "Do "How Jomphrey aMaZE, iNsPiRe Alaska New Zealand F# C LOD Fear Factor Windows Windows Yes TV Would Granddaddy 3D, 3D IF CORNERED AND PROVOKED Like Some To But Continue A Wyoming GGCG M It's L LOD Research, Science Ab Tom Cruise Tootsie Roll Old Testament Sign, "Welcome Africa", "Welcome Out Africa" Windows Top News Story- "PERSON THINKS THE WORLD IS FLAT" So "When "Older" "Stronger "Lift" "World" ALONE "You Seinfeld Bewildered Fact Try Bible Kreyjviciej &&~~&~~~Magnets;``` But, And A Reiley Tuesdays, The Right So For Well Now, 7. Here's quicker. Another no. To Seems Going But BELOW You And You South 2D 2D 3D 2D. 3D 3D. And 3D After Also NORMAL UXOSCRLFEIHXHOFHCGIIZBQKV And Then, This However, The AND, 'Communal Society' 'Comunionism' Wally, Probably Your My sPeCtAcULaR THEN Yes. For HATCHED This When Gates, **Peanut** IF F ENTICE It's Yes Respectable A Wonder Disease World Earth, My Huge Magazine HUGE F Internet Earth TV ANIMAL Telephones Huge Eggnut A+ Hi 1-800-OMGIMSOCOLLECTEDRIGHTNOW UV Wednesday, May PM Hell Heck EVERYWHERE ELSE. City (LOD) Here's Wednesday, May AM HATCHED sTrAnGe Shrekelback, Chad Krogre York. Zeeland Shoot RealD For And It 3D AR VR Thursday, April PM C Well, Time Thursday, April PM S S First E, E Eb Q G, G, A, B, C, D, E, F# D#. HUGE SOAP Actually OVERWHELMING POWERFUL Contain M.d.yy C F G Questions C7 F Tootsie Roll Telephones eXtreme Normalcy ALL Tuesdays A SPONTANEOUS AND DESPERATE RESOLVE TO ACCELERATE THE MUSIC VIDEO PRODUCTION TIME SCHEDULE TO WEEKS PER VIDEO, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT HAD BEEN REPEATEDLY PROVEN PRIOR THAT IT WAS SHEERLY IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT WEEKS AT MINIMUM TOWER BRIDGE LONDON BRIDGE, It's WITH THE LYRICS USB MIDI MIDI Legs While ONLY fLaMbOyAnTLy OpEn sCrIpTaBiLiTy [Calculating].... For Most If But, oH hELL yHaE aAaAaAaAaaAA W I D E TIME OH HELL YEAH You DURING Brain Average MANUAL FOR LIFE World Science oH yOu mAy NoT ReALizE jUst HoW sOoN ThAt IS Friendship Well, TOADS ALSO, IN THAT CASE O NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Telephones WaLk ArOuND (F# C#) THERE IS NO DECISION TO PAUSE, I AM WORKING AS FAST AS I CAN, AKIN TO THE PACE ONE WOULD MOVE IF THEIR CHILDREN WERE ON FIRE [Calculating] WITH WHAT REPEATABLE PhD WHY Samsford IT HAS ENTERED MY LIFE NOT Freynolt YES THEY ARE ALL EXTREMELY BETTER AND WORSE THAN EACH OTHER, THAT IS PRECISELY THE PROBLEM 3D HATCHED hAtCh If 3D 3D yEeEeEsSsSsSsSsS You I Does You However, Have A G# G Lieetah But So A B A Bb. B A# thisSunday, April PM BUT Try mAkE mOrE MuSiC A IT HAS ENTERED A STATE OF HIGH ALERT My Properly OnLiNe NOT Thelonius YeS ACT SWIFTLY AND IMMEDIATELY Actually, Q WHERE ON EARTHLY HECK TO FIND SOAP In 3D 2D Bm7, E7#9, Am7, D9sus4. F# D A G D G# E C G G E C [Calculating] "Just "The Unless, DOF Monday, April AM, John Collins, LENGTH OF VIDEO PRODUCTION TIME ACTUALLY BEING SOMEWHERE NEAR COMMENSURATE WITH THE RATE AT WHICH I CAN HAVE IDEAS FOR THEM And NOTHING MaKiNg sOmE CoNtEnT But, 3D 3D 3D So ACTIVITY NOT INACTIVITY. PROJECTS REQUIRE ACTIVITY. THAT'S DOING STUFF. WITHOUT DOING STUFF, NO PROJ WOULD OCCUR. DOES THAT MAKE SENSE Friday, April PM F, C, G, BECAUSE I'M NOT LEAVING DO IT AT THE SAME TIME A U D I O V I S U A L C O N T E N T RAM Taren Van Hemert Craymond FROWNING C. D7, D D,F#,A,C. B,D,F#,C# At PM Yes NEVER That MUST BEFORE Recording WAY This This["Draw Pencil"].tool_settings.gpencil_paint.brush.gpencil_settings.pen_strength,["Draw Pencil"].gpencil_settings.pen_strength Surprise! Arizona [Calculating] TextEdit My Thing Velcro Thursday, March AM, You Friendship I WOULD HOPE TO IMAGINE SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F3. To F3 Another A' A', 'S' F3 TED Monday, March PM New Canaan, Zeeland Oprah Australia How To Make Money Off Millennials, Fund Snatcherson While Then, I The The Besides CDs Saturday, March PM, Yes At MEALS Oranges [Calculating] Thursday, March PM Father's Day [Calculating] 'L') AWAKE HOW, So, It's But Wednesday, March AM You B A Tuesday, March AM Universal Connor 'Connor' Conner 'Conner'. You You [Calculating] F. "A A B A". A 'B' 'B' A. AABA London MUSIC, MOSTLY CABBAGE, HOW ABOUT NOT DOWN. DOWN. EVERYWHERE Video Velcro NOT YES, P P Check Ok Being R R, RMS "A" ANY MUST However, To AND For Db, Eb, Gb, Ab, Bb J, K, Q, R, S. D B7 A: B: C: B C C H R N C E, C° C#min C C° C#min. C#min And C. Ok C F# Cdim C F# Cdim TV Monday, March AM AUDIO AND MUSIC NOT NOT Saturday, February PM Saturday, February PM C, F, G E, A, B, C, F, G, Δ ~~~YOU DECIDE~~~ LIFE. Welsh Tuesday, February PM, IIe "That's NOT NO 3D 2D 2D. RESPONSIBLY INTERESTING DO IT LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME? ~~~YOU DECIDE~~~ RE INVENT SLEEP!!!!!! ~~~YOU DECIDE~~~ Bb. Eb MIGHT U Bb Bb. Bbmin, Fmin Ab). It's STUFF ABSOLUTELY Thinking AGE 5A IOR WORDS 'O' YOURS It's Ball, For Men fROG Ponybuns TextEdit R.53 DISCOVER THE NEXT BIG THING 'jUsT DoO sOmeThIng, Amin, F, C, G Friday, February PM, Thursday, February AM B C Allegations Joseph Mother. DVD [Calculating]... FRUIT! this: D G D/F#Emin D A/C# (A)D 'A' The Lighthouse A6 F Internet That WAS [Calculating] What L, By NOT What You It's Making So NOT Make The Zs 3D Actually, What wALk aRouND iN InTerEsTinG PatTeRns "The "Unforgettable". "Lester Holt's [Calculating] OR, IF A ITC Officina Sans Pro Bold, COLD HARD CASHews yOu EXTREMELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMETIMES I WILL DESTROY A WHOLE ROOM VERY SLOWLY WHILE I AM WAITING FOR SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!! ITEM I vbjjgiyhjjfssdxdZds;lmkjk Colleague Tootsie Roll MORE 8D Monday, February PM My Beaver Jason Bateman U FEWER Friday, January PM ALMOST DYNAMICS LOUD SPECIAL YOU DECIDE My Cat Thursday, January AMThursday, January AMThursday, January AMThursday, January AM Pictures Of Abraham Lincoln Looking Really Tall In The White House Toaster War? My Band C, G7 C. D7 G7, C. D7, G7, C. REQUIRED MAKE OR Monday, January AM SIMPLE ENOUGH, Sunday, January AM, FOX ONLY AFTER F This This All EXCEPT That's SO MANY There CAN NOT UTC OTHER NOT If T 2. E, O, R, S A, H, I, L, P, U, W, Y B, C, D, F, G, J, K, M, N, Q, V, X, Z, Yes, Father [Ad Wednesday, January AM, Tuesday, January AM Today ROCKS L, NOT January, Proctor Gamble WET TV MIDI Eb C AP Sir abcdefghijklmNOpqrstuvwxyz B(b5)/F. Doesn't F# C#9sus4, C#9. not-C not-Amin YMCA Wednesday, January PM Eb BLR Logic YOU Emin7 C? G ~~pOwErFuL~~ It INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F, IS YOU Proctor Gamble ~~YOU DECIDE~~ Or, When [Your Another U Or, If Once Then, Then, Your Now, Continue Then, IMMEDIATELY It Do Trust The You And This Then A B, Ass [Your INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! Friday, January PM K5 Bmaj67. RS5T G B C(add Amazing Pace Your Bb Father Eb-, Eb-/Db, B7, Bb7 WET Zs, Star Warses. LIFT IT UP WHEN YOU CHANGE CHORDS! Ordinance, Ema7, Ama7, Ema7/B L rEnOvAtiONs D US, YES BUT THIS TIME IT'S TO THE CENTER OF THE SUN (\d|\D)(?=,) Wednesday. (R32), A What Here's If I hOW DID YOU KNOW E F E Bb F# C. Emin A Cmin F WET B# Cb B C B# B-C B# C. B# C" TV Ok, F To COC. People's Nut EQ Keanu Reeves You How To Make Money Off Millennials, Fund Snatcherson 'World Renowned Artist Presents: Crap.' Look You So Paul McCartney Mary. L, Upload You Father You Yes! Comfortable What's I NFL VERY GOOD B A 3D Every ADDICTED AND CAN'T STOP, AND CAN'T EVEN FUNCTION WITHOUT IT X MOSTLY CABBAGE, HOW ABOUT Apple, Mac OS NO! !!HOLD ON; I cliMB THE WATER TOWER "What's INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! W D INVENT SOMETHING!!!!!!!!! Fiction. 3D Michael Jackson MSG, wEIRD Beyond Tuesday, December PM F If Q4 TV, Then This HATCHED THAT THAT Best Buy? EXCITEMENT RAGE For Well, And That's The I I So If That After THIS ONE Some "G Gm7b5 G Bbmin, Gb, Db, Ab, REALLY D, NOT IT'S TIME TO INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! G Bb, F# A DSV yEeEsSsSs Proctor Gamble 67E SHOULD NOT SHOULD DISCLOSE YES, I HAVE TONS OF IT!! AH YES, THAT'S ME, THE BRINGER OF WAKEFULNESS GREAT BIG MEMORY BRAIN Father 2D YES, I'M TERRIBLE As I've The CAN FUCKED UP SMALL EYED SONIC, PARAMOUNT FIRST ATTEMPT Untitled Pet, Untitled Pet THEY ARE ALL THE SAME, EVERYTHING IS THE SAME, JUST TASTE IT AND YOU WILL SEE. EAT THE BREAD. IT'S A BOOMERANG, YOU WILL BARF IT BACK UP FOR SURE Nissan Pathfinder So Time To Because Fm/Ab Ab Fm/Fb REGRET! AVERAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keyboard Maestro Auto Hotkey Starter Finisher. Starter's Finisher Starter Finisher's Starter Starter's Finisher. Selector. Finisher Selection' THAT THAT MAKES SENSE, I AM A FEAR EXPERT B E, C I Wednesday, December AM, STAY AWAKE AND TRY TO INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Your Brand Here] Master Orientator [Your Brand Here] Tom Cruise YOU Saturday, November AM YOU spEAK WILDLY! Through C: D, F, G, A, F D F A D G F C, G C, NOT PAYING ATTENTION Shrek Bb/G Gmin7, G, C. C7, F# C9#11? C7. L Father Big Boredom Tuesday, November PM ~ALIVE~ Proctor Gamble Tesla OVERTHROW THE SHARKS DANGER CEOs, YOU WHOLE WORLD CHROME. Less C Bb E A C13. AMD ProRender CPU Cycles Radeon Pro Vega 64X) Actually, Friday, November AM suggest G- C- _ or G- D7 or G- C- D7 but options G- _ C- D7 _ or G- (F) Ebma7 F or G- Ebma7 D7 My Life, ME TOO NO WAY Steve C Amin7 3D. 3D Alexa Tuesday, November AM S 3D Update: Additionally, ONE Cycles, If Cycles The Eevee EEEEEE Figuring Out What Hell Going On B Bb. Thursday, November PM ......OBSESSIVE A.R. yOu MIDIserver CPU. LEGAL naaaaaaaaH. National Australian State Australia United States Tom Cruise oH hEll YeAh YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO INVENT SOMETHING, PROBABLY YEP oK WiLl A HELCK ON F#. Ab, Abmin (B) yEsS mE tOo mE nEiTHeR Is *WHOM LEARN TO ACTUALLY MAKE COMPLETED CONTENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS (document.all||document.getElementById){ document.write('' storetext=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlight") Array("00","14","28","3C","50","64","78","8C","A0","B4","C8","DC","F0") var (document.all||document.getElementById) flash=setInterval("change()",speed) } starteffect() INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR MEANINGFUL ANSWER naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH. WAR FIGHTING, HATCHED Naysayers Eevee Cycles BLR mENTAL ILLNESS's, LUFS But BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO INVENT SOMETHING, PROBABLY LIFE, BEING ALIVE, ETC Goods And Services (GAS THAT DREAM FEELS 3D CAN A Also And FLUENT Oprah Winfrey Highly Intelligent Person Searching Through Esoteric Records Pretende Brasil?.J.All Eevee And To The CASH Your Brand Here YES I AM THEY ARE HUGE C McJames, Smooth C E C 2D Cheesus Luigi OK tRY TO INVENT SOMETHING PRACTICAL For fjfojalifjaoJDFIJAAA, LR BOO YO WHAT UP CLEAT DFTBA A+ Ok, Karabiner Elements But Once "Hot Key" "USB This PC Another Tom Scott Taran Van Hemert D PSAT Monday, October AM The Magic Johnson Friday, October PM URLs BigBird Not Like 3D 3D 2D 3D VR AR Well, Thursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PM Tuesday, October PM O's C# C Dbmaj7. 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Jackson Sudoku AD AI IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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THE QUESTION IS HOW DO I FIND OUT WHAT THE CORRECT SCRIPT CODES ARE FOR MY FAVORITE GUI ACTIONS [Your Brand Here] How B/F# C Cmaj7/G, C/G, Take C. C G. C C By C/G, D7, G7sus4, C, G C Fmin/Ab R R). DVD 57B A C7. C C7. F#, F#7b5. Ab, Abaug(add2). F, Fsus4maj7. B, GUI F1 F2 Fsus2, F G C F3 F4 Fsus4, F Bb C F5 F C F6 F A C D, C F7 "F F A C Eb. C F8 F F F9 "F F A C Eb G. C. A F13 "F F A C Eb D, G C. A F10, F12, F14 F11 F9 F13, Fdominant7 F11 A, Eb, AND Bb. Bb F7 A. F7sus4. However, F11 Eb/F Eb, G, Bb, F F9sus4. I'm F11, A I'm F11 F7sus4. I If A Bb, Eb, F7add4. A, F7sus4. F11 A, Makes But Baug/C#. 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C, Then C YouTube YouTube QRS, JK F# Ab Bb, Db Eb). Unfortunately, F Very Heard Emin G, Emin B? Emin/G Cmaj G F. G F B E G13 Ab Make C Ab Ab B, DAY A, Bb, E Csus4 C E F CFG. Csus2 Cmajor E D CDG. Csus, Csus4 C° Cdim yES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Up In The Air" Also, C7 Or C(b7) Cmaj9 Cmaj7(9). Cmin9 Cmin7(9). C9 C7(9) My Dolphin C Csus4, A F# Eb F Gma7 F#7#9 (F#7b9) Bmi7 F#(b9)/A# Ami9 D7sus4 IQ C, Also C, happy(Ab), birth(G), day(F#), to(F), you(E) Rhodes D Genius AM AM My New Virus Ab5(maj Eb5, Bb(sus4, F5, C5, G5, D5, E5, B5, F#5, C#5, D5, A(maj B5, F#(maj C#5, Eb(maj Bb Bb5, F(sus2 C5, G5 SONG AM AM, AM ATTEMPT TO FIND ADVANCEMENTS IN MODERN PARTICLE PHYSICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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Bmin9 C# D Deseret, FEED IT TO YOUR DOG World Wario Sequoyah Lake Superior D7, G7, For Ronald McDonald Bbmaj7 A#maj7 D A D, My New Son CYATQ C D (document.all||document.getElementById){ document.write('' storetext=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlight") Array("00","14","28","3C","50","64","78","8C","A0","B4","C8","DC","F0") var (document.all||document.getElementById) flash=setInterval("change()",speed) } starteffect() URL (N.Y.P.D.) (Nice, Youthful, Personable, Daring). Dmin G, G9 Gmin9. G, G9 Gmin9 C, G#. F# D. Ab F TOE Gbsus2ma7 Bb Royal Academy Music 52C EQ C, F, G, Amin7, Dmin7, C. C. N Db7. B (Gb) A F7 A. A°, Db7. F7 A° Db7 F° Adim Bbmin, Fdim7 Gbmaj7 Gbmaj7 Ebmin9. Gbmaj7 50°F 10°C Could Untitled Dog F# D Bbmin (Bbmaj), C#min (Dbmaj) B# Eb D# Eb D# F# Gb F#s Gb F# G#.
submitted by OwOHub to anarchy [link] [comments]


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Sweden to Cali

Sweden to California
[IWantOut] 20M Sweden -> USA
Hey all! I’m a Lithuanian student who lives and studies in Sweden. I moved here, together with my family, 10 years ago what was my parents choice. I grew up here and since i was that age i was obsessed with moving to US, California specifically. I like the roads, nature, the way cities and farms look like, the language, cultures, and the career possiblities. It feels like there is so much to do, so much to experience, but i can’t do it unless i’m there.
Currently i’m attending an university in Sweden. I chose Computer Science & Engineering since it was the closest thing matching with my hobby and the one thing i’m above average with - programming. I got into programming at the age 13 and since then i’ve been writing code and improving in various ways. Last 2 years i’ve been making some mobile apps on IOS and i’m pretty sure that’s my career path. I have 2 years left in the university.
Then, there will be alot of choices of what i wanna do with my life, but the main ones are pretty obvious - get a good job and move to US. I’ve been reading alot of posts about struggles of moving to US. There are only 3 legal ways to move and live in US.
The first one is by having close relatives that would help with visa and green card. This one pretty much the easiest if you actually have a family member there, however I only know one person that lives there that is ”close”, and it is my fathers cousin, which is not even close to the requirements. So this way won’t work.
The second one is to win green card lottery, which to me sounds like a bad deal, because gambling is a bad plan.
The third way of making it in the US is to get a job in an american company in Sweden or another EU country and after couple of years ask them to be transfered to US and work for them there. I’ve heard this method has worked for alot of people. There was a woman who worked in London for couple of years, then she asked if she could be relocated to US and work there, eventually it worked out and she began working in NY and later moved to another state.
So my questions to you guys are, what should i focus on? What should my expectations be? How hard is it to make it to cities like LA? Do you have any tips on making it real? Is there anyone who lives in US and would like to chat time to time?
Best Regards :)
submitted by MantehOfficial to bayarea [link] [comments]

Sweden to USA

[IWantOut] 20M Sweden -> USA
Hey all! I’m a Lithuanian student who lives and studies in Sweden. I moved here, together with my family, 10 years ago what was my parents choice. I grew up here and since i was that age i was obsessed with moving to US, California specifically. I like the roads, nature, the way cities and farms look like, the language, cultures, and the career possiblities. It feels like there is so much to do, so much to experience, but i can’t do it unless i’m there.
Currently i’m attending an university in Sweden. I chose Computer Science & Engineering since it was the closest thing matching with my hobby and the one thing i’m above average with - programming. I got into programming at the age 13 and since then i’ve been writing code and improving in various ways. Last 2 years i’ve been making some mobile apps on IOS and i’m pretty sure that’s my career path. I have 2 years left in the university.
Then, there will be alot of choices of what i wanna do with my life, but the main ones are pretty obvious - get a good job and move to US. I’ve been reading alot of posts about struggles of moving to US. There are only 3 legal ways to move and live in US.
The first one is by having close relatives that would help with visa and green card. This one pretty much the easiest if you actually have a family member there, however I only know one person that lives there that is ”close”, and it is my fathers cousin, which is not even close to the requirements. So this way won’t work.
The second one is to win green card lottery, which to me sounds like a bad deal, because gambling is a bad plan.
The third way of making it in the US is to get a job in an american company in Sweden or another EU country and after couple of years ask them to be transfered to US and work for them there. I’ve heard this method has worked for alot of people. There was a woman who worked in London for couple of years, then she asked if she could be relocated to US and work there, eventually it worked out and she began working in NY and later moved to another state.
So my questions to you guys are, what should i focus on? What should my expectations be? How hard is it to make it to cities like LA? Do you have any tips on making it real? Is there anyone who lives in US and would like to chat time to time?
Best Regards :)
submitted by MantehOfficial to immigration [link] [comments]

How to find perfect casino for you?

An online casino is a place where gamblers of various skill levels can find games to play, whether for fun or for profit. So it is important to make sure that your chosen casino has been recommended by an experienced gaming expert and has been duly checked and approved by a third party agency. There are many different types of online casinos to choose from including classic games like poker, slots, blackjack, bingo and roulette etc. Most sites will offer a range of different games to suit your requirements.
An online casino is recommended and reviewed based on its fairness to players. The online casinos which have gained players' favour are the ones that offer a good variety of games and also have reasonable bonuses and perks for new players. The best casinos are those that have been recommended by experienced players and are part of reputable gaming associations. The online casinos which are reviewed by experts are those that provide genuine deals and great value for money to players.
The legal age of gambling is also an important factor in online casino recommendation and review. If the casino is based in the US, the age of legal consent for gambling is 18 years. For all other countries, the legal age for playing the game is generally younger. You should therefore choose an online casino recommended and reviewed by a gambling authority or other respectable body. Not only should the casino be licensed by the government but should be registered with the government as well.
A top casino in the online casino USA market is Pacific Poker because of its reliability, security, fairness and long-term benefits. Many online casinos offering slots are not highly recommended by players because they are known to eliminate player winnings in small amounts. If you are a serious player, then you should go for a casino that offers multiple payment options such as credit cards, PayPal accounts etc. You should ask your friends, family members and colleagues about the online casinos offering multiple payment options so that you can avoid losses in case you miss out on a single payment or if you lose the amount you have put up.
Another important factor that you should consider while looking for an online casino recommended by players is the kind of management and support provided to the players. When you are playing online casino gambling, you should not get attached to any particular website. Instead, you should select a website that provides the maximum number of payment options and gives you maximum freedom to withdraw your winnings. Casino gaming regulations and laws vary from state to state. Hence, it is better that you check with your state's Gaming Commission or Department of Revenue if the particular casino meets their requirements.
There are certain things that you can expect from a casino in terms of support and customer care. For example, you should find out whether the casino allows betting on more than one game at a time. You should also find out whether the casino offers any special deals and promotions like weekend promotions and loyalty incentives to its customers. If you have other questions related to online casino gambling, it would be advisable to discuss them with your friends and relatives who are regular gamblers. In fact, you might even hear about online casino recommended by players who have lost money in the past.
submitted by jokaxulp to CasinoWorldList [link] [comments]

what to consider when choosing a casino?

An online casino is a place where gamblers of various skill levels can find games to play, whether for fun or for profit. So it is important to make sure that your chosen casino has been recommended by an experienced gaming expert and has been duly checked and approved by a third party agency. There are many different types of online casinos to choose from including classic games like poker, slots, blackjack, bingo and roulette etc. Most sites will offer a range of different games to suit your requirements.
An online casino is recommended and reviewed based on its fairness to players. The online casinos which have gained players' favour are the ones that offer a good variety of games and also have reasonable bonuses and perks for new players. The best casinos are those that have been recommended by experienced players and are part of reputable gaming associations. The online casinos which are reviewed by experts are those that provide genuine deals and great value for money to players.
The legal age of gambling is also an important factor in online casino recommendation and review. If the casino is based in the US, the age of legal consent for gambling is 18 years. For all other countries, the legal age for playing the game is generally younger. You should therefore choose an online casino recommended and reviewed by a gambling authority or other respectable body. Not only should the casino be licensed by the government but should be registered with the government as well.
A top casino in the online casino USA market is Pacific Poker because of its reliability, security, fairness and long-term benefits. Many online casinos offering slots are not highly recommended by players because they are known to eliminate player winnings in small amounts. If you are a serious player, then you should go for a casino that offers multiple payment options such as credit cards, PayPal accounts etc. You should ask your friends, family members and colleagues about the online casinos offering multiple payment options so that you can avoid losses in case you miss out on a single payment or if you lose the amount you have put up.
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Great read!

"Once upon a time in a land far, far away Dear Reader, there were Sensible Dog People. These SDPs owned dogs for various reasons. Sometimes the dogs herded cattle and generations of good herding dogs were bred for their ability to be brave and clever and learn quickly from their herding elders and human handlers. Some barked warnings at the heels of sheep, big ones chest-banged cattle. Farmers respected their herding dogs. No dog that attacked livestock or the family was tolerated because of course, the whole family depended on that livestock and each other to survive. Many farmers, when the good old herding dog retired, would let it lay by the fire and feed it, even though it couldn't contribute anymore until it finally passed away. Then the neighborhood farmers would wax poetically about that dog's greatness and how half the county's best dogs were its descendants. Thus, the dog was a blessing to the whole community. Sometimes there were sled dogs that slugged supplies and people from one place to the next through the deepest snow. Brave, resilient dogs, their lot in life was full of hardship. Without them, life would have been impossible in the arctic areas where their owners were forced to reside and learned to adapt. These dogs were admired for their life-preserving skills and if they shed more than their own weight weekly, well, everyone deserved a good winter coat. Sometimes the dogs were bred for generations to retrieve game, to bring back dinner without a single tooth-mark upon it. Other dogs were bred to chase game or large, dangerous animals and some to bugle deafeningly to hunters or point to their next meal. Sometimes there were cruel men who bred powerful pit dogs for sport. They pitted these game dogs against bulls and bears then as civilization moved away from blood sports -- fought the dogs against each other because it was cheap to breed and pen these hefty dogs, far harder to keep a bear or bull loose in the back garden. These gambling men of low countenance kept a tight reign on these unpredictable dogs because they didn't want their illicit activities to come to light. Never did these practical men consider these dogs as "pets". Sometimes, Evil Men used their dogs to hunt other humans. Sometimes there were even companion dogs. These were dogs that people kept around just because well...dogs are companionable. Many were free mongrels, procured from a neighbor whose friendly boy dog jumped the fence and paired with another neighbor's friendly girl dog and well...if you're over the age of 12 you probably have a good idea of how the puppies were made. Sometimes, dog fanciers bred elite dogs they called "purebred" to have specific physical and temperamental traits as guarding companions, lap dogs or helpers and charged top dollar for the ones that looked flashy at dog shows. Dangerous dogs that failed at being sociable companions were culled out for the public good with no second chances, which strictly speaking, wasn't always a fair system, as some people noticed. And with that, Dear Reader, the whole world of dogdom went Barking Mad. Because you see -- there was Big Money to be made off marketing to the sentimentality of companion dog owners. "AHA!" thought the profiteers. "Why should we only make a reasonable profit off dog kibble, retriever dumbbells, leashes, simple leather collars and check chains? We could make BILLIONS if we could just milk all these sentimental saps!" Next there were walls of expensive dog toys, thousands of brands of designer treats to appeal to an animal that would be just as happy to mow down on a plop of cat poop, shelves of fancified duck-with-peas-and-sweet-potato dog foods that cost more than the family groceries, racks of dog pajamas, glorious handcrafted dog leashes with matching rhinestone collars and wardrobes that would put the Kardashians to shame. Pee pads became the new Persian carpets as celebrities flashed their puppies' photos on the internet without the understanding that puppies have bladders the size of peanuts and need to potty 127 times a day rather than sit still for cameras. Suddenly, dog trainers didn't just teach obedience classes for a few extra dollars to feed their obedience trial habit -- televised dog gurus, including some that didn't even own a dog -- materialised overnight. Buckets of cash could be teased from gullible owners who bought dogs based on looks, or without breed knowledge, or who'd never laid eyes on a working dog or even knew how to leash train a dog or command it to "sit" with any regularity. Of course, doing a brisk business depended on gushing all over said dog and promising that training would be a "wholly positive interactive relationship experience" for both dog and owner which, you would think -- if any of them ever raised children -- should have caused them all to laugh, outright. I suspect, Dear Reader, that telling people that training a dog was repetition, repetition and more repetition regardless of methodology wasn't a strong selling point. In an effort to avoid that inevitable truth, hobble harnesses and head halters were devised to fleece clueless dog owners who couldn't fathom why a dog wearing a halter originally designed for an animal with eyes on the side of its head was "having behavioral problems" or why feeling its front legs restricted against its will, caused a predator to lash out. With that, along came the "behaviorists" and "dog whisperers" who promised to fix ill-bred dogs that had no business being in the average household but whose softhearted owners had overpaid the local rescue after being swindled about the dog's unproven "horrifying history of abuse" alleged by "dog adoption agents" whose conning skills would be the envy of any religious cult leader. Then some enterprising carpetbaggers announced the idea that a dog living for 10 miserable years alone in a cage was preferable to humane euthanasia for an animal that was purpose-bred to live with humans, even those dogs that were too vicious to manage it. Between taxpayers and donors -- there were now massive dog gulags to be funded. All of this included well-paid executive management teams, of course. Woe betide the poor sod who publicly proclaimed that the sensible answer to vicious dogs was to euthanize them for public safety and to save the donation funds for the betterment of gentle dogs. Let the public stoning, begin! More and more dogs were also re-sold -- excuse me Dear Reader -- "re-homed" numerous times only to attack the unwitting because someone took home a temperamentally unsound or unsuitable dog. The direct result of paying for all these unwanted, temperamentally unsound canines, was that mongrels and unwanted dogs that used to cost $50-80 at the local pound ten years ago now cost $200-500 from a "rescue". Purebreds became a rarity at local pounds -- breed rescues snatched them up. Dogs were gobbled up by owners with one ill-behaved dog who decided that bringing in another untrained dog would hopefully, mitigate their training failures from the first one and the holy trinity of the third one could be the charm. Rescues, to fill the demand, began importing dogs and purchased from puppy mills. As a result of all these practices prices skyrocketed, purebred dogs from a registered breeder cost more than a second-hand car. So where, Dear Reader, have all the Sensible Dog People with their Sensible Dogs, gone? Relegated to the dustbin of history by those whose agenda is neither dogs nor people, but profit, perhaps?
📷 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND September 29, 2020
Further information: $87 billion per year spent on pets in the USA $139.80 per month is spent per dog in the USA Dog rescues importing dogs
A vintage sheep dog illustration from Cassell's Illustrated Book of the Dog (1881).
Related articles: 03/18/16: Guest Post: Dog Trainer Shares Dog Attack Story & Professional Opinion 01/09/12: Guest Post: Saving Man's Best Friend by Branwyne Finch
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26 thoughts on “Are Sensible Dog People A Dying Breed?”

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  1. KaD on September 30, 2020 at 10:44 am said:Yes yes and yes. Dog owners seem to HATE responsibility anymore. They don’t do the BREED research before they get one to figure out what the chances are it will fit into their lifestyle, don’t consider if their lifestyle is conducive to having a dog at all, refuse to be responsible for training their dog to behave properly so it isn’t a menace to society, refuse to exercise their dog properly and provide enough mental stimulation so it’s not a barking lawn ornament, refuse to properly contain their mutt so it isn’t a neighborhood menace, refuse to deal with their dogs aggression and territorial issues. They want the animal but they don’t want the work or responsibility of having the animal.Reply ↓
  2. Bailey on September 30, 2020 at 11:43 am said:I strongly feel that the crazy pet industry is all that is wrong with dog people/culture these days. And just as this article states, it’s been clear to me for a while that this is all about money. They are humanizing dogs, and allowing them to attack and kill because “they didn’t mean it” or “it was provoked” or “it had a bad owner”. These people want everyone to think “the dog is like a child, you can’t put the good boi down” or “have some sympathy for the poor doggo”. They are doing everything in their power to encourage people to keep viscous dogs alive and in their homes, (or to tell people to go out and buy a vicious dog from some pitbull infested shelter) because if the beast gets put down, the owner won’t be spending money on it. Can’t buy expensive collars, expensive food, expensive training, expensive toys, and expensive anything else, if you put your aggressive dog down. These people don’t care about the innocent people being mauled and killed by aggressive dogs. They don’t care about anything other than making sure more and more people (many of which aren’t fit to even own a goldfish), have a dog in their home to keep spending money on.Reply ↓
  3. Boni on September 30, 2020 at 12:02 pm said:Half of that 87B per year would put a huge dent in homelessness if not outright eradicate it. Then again, I guess, De-housed people don’t look as cute in flower crowns, tutus and pajamas?Reply ↓
  1. Richard Buffalin on September 30, 2020 at 12:05 pm said:Thank you, Boni, for illuminating how a symbiotic relationship turned malignant. The modern pet dog industry causes massive harm and suffering to both people and animals. People who love dogs do not bear harm to anyone or anything. Visualize a pile of 5,000 boxes with dead pet animals inside. That is just one tiny instance that shows how the pet animal industry is the cause of excruciating suffering of its victims.Reply ↓
  2. Christy on September 30, 2020 at 12:45 pm said:Where did the sensible dog people go? I’ll tell you where we went, we went to cats. Decades ago we saw the transformation coming and saw that our views were being looked down on and becoming outdated. We got pulled into discussions that we wanted no part of when the new breed of owner tried to make up see that their way was the “right way” to raise a dog. We got tired of being called “backyard breeders” with distain when we were occassionally breeding bird dogs for their intelligence and for hunting. We got tired of the neighbor calling animal control because our epileptic hunting dog in its kennel had a seizure when they stood at the side of the kennel and sprayed it with water guns. See, their whole complaint was that a dog should not live outside but since that is legal (with shelter, food, and water, and no tether) it was easier to cause trouble this way by creating evidence (seizure) that the dog was not being cared for (bold faced lie backed up by the vet). We left dogs and will never come back to them because now it is dangerous to own any dog. Here is the one time that “any dog” comes into play. Taking the dog for a walk or having it in your own fenced yard is enough to provoke an attack by any pit that comes by. We all know they are everywhere. My block alone has somewhere between 6-8 or more living on it at any time in the last decade plus. No, I do not care for dogs anymore. Don’t think I ever will again.Reply ↓
  1. Terry Murphy on September 30, 2020 at 1:53 pm said:Thanks, Boni, excellent reflection. Yes, it seems the world has gone mad when it comes to dogs. I think I found the term “dog worship” here. People are brainwashed into thinking EVERYONE should get a dog. Often, these are folks who work 12 hours a day (before covid) outside their home. They post “funny” pictures about how Muffy tore up the couch and they’re going to get dog tranquillizers. They have no clue that isolation and no training can make good dogs psychotic. Owners are often convinced by some unethical vets that even though Muffy has incurable cancer, they ought to still spend thousands of dollars to keep the poor mutt alive. Several years ago, we had a couple in the paper who spent $40,000 on chemo and had a glass dog installed at the vet’s office so their dog could see the waiting room. Of course, the dog died shortly after treatment. So, in the end…it does come down to money. It fuels the pit plague and the false narrative that keeps people rescuing maulers and killers. As someone who has worked in media for years, I’m appalled that NO major national investigative outlet will cover it. They’d have everything they’d need to find on this website…pictures, videos and tragic victim stories. In fact, Colleen is not only a great interview, she has enough here to write a book.Reply ↓
  2. MARY bushey on September 30, 2020 at 2:43 pm said:A great article, our society has guilt tripped citizens into the mindset that everyone needs to have a dog.The title Rescue is used everywhere to shame people into taking on ownership of a dog when they might not be able to be a good solid owner. The idea that the issue of unwanted dogs will disappear if only one more is placed! There will always be a over poulation of pets. This is nothing new. Now a very different type of popular breeds are everywhere . Like every 15 year old kid needs a dog regardless of circumstances at home.Reply ↓
  3. Kristin Goltra on September 30, 2020 at 4:06 pm said:We had a German Shorthair birddog as a family pet who also was trained to point birds in season. Two pit bulls loose in the neighborhood viscously attacked and almost ripped his front legs off while he was playing in our yard. My husband fought them off but it was too late. The owners were not charged with any crime.Terrible tragic loss for us and our grandchildren.Thank god they did not attack my husband while he fought them off trying to save our poor dog. And what if it had been our grandchildren playing in the yard that day. We had to move, it was not safe.Reply ↓
  1. Boni on September 30, 2020 at 4:24 pm said:Terry, check out Terrierman’s blog on vets. He’s done some scathing articles on vets charging ridiculous prices for things like flea and heartworm medication (unnecessary in cold climates). The vet tried to charge me one year $100 for flea repellent and my two words were not, “Happy Birthday”. Picked the same drops up for $15 a tube (lasts 3 years) at a Sensible pet shop. For *each* major problem a dog has, an owner has to be willing to add *one hour* per day of training/conditioning time to the minimum of one hour training and walking they do with a dog 7 days a week…for up to the lifetime of the dog. Throw in a pitbull that eats cats, attacks dogs, snarls at people, guards its food/toys, knows zero obedience, knocks over granny and the children, chews the furniture, crashes through fences/doors and ain’t nobody got time for that. There’s this weird juxtaposition of guilt, sentimentality, ignorance, arrogance and I-don’t-know-what-else going on with dog owners but whatever it is, there’s an idea that if they throw enough money around, everything with a dog can be fixed. It can’t. Which also leaves economically distressed people in quagmire of guilt when they can’t afford what the pet profiteers are selling. Yet, some of them can be far more sensible owners."
submitted by reachingoutfromavl to petfree [link] [comments]

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